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  1. B

    KTAC cover?

    Thanks. I am going to the dealer Saturday and will let you know what they say.
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    KTAC cover?

    While mowing this weekend with my BX1880 I noticed the front right guide wheel was a bit canted. Upon further inspection I noticed that the weld holding the support tube to the bracket had failed. Will KTAC cover something like this? Will they try and re-weld it or just replace the deck? I...
  3. B

    Adding a cutting edge to front bucket

    I don't either, just a bench grinder and some good instruction.
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    Adding a cutting edge to front bucket

    Agree with the staring small then stepping up. Learned how to drill holes from my dad a master machinist for 40+ years. Another important skill is how to sharpen them properly when you do bugger them up. Thanks Dad.
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    Fishing for implements

    That is damn cool. Did you know it was in the lake or stumbled upon it?
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Nice. I have the 1880 and still find ways for it to make my life easier. Don't be afraid to get it dirty and enjoy the new toy.
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    Appropriate lifting location???

    Ditto on Ken's hooks.
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    After the first cut of the season I took the MMM off and give it a good cleaning and greased it. Amazing how much grass get up under the pulleys. Before After Love my Kens bolt on hooks.
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    55 hours on BX1870 and overheating

    Given the tractors age being a 70 series has it had its 50 hour service? Maybe a new air filter at a minimum.
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    What were the engineers thinking?

    Not sure if this has been suggested, but could you weld a nut to the underside of the flange and use a bolt and lock washer on top?
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Those are pretty sweet. I need to learn how to weld. Maybe one of these days.
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    New Guy Intro

    Welcome aboard and have fun getting dirty.
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    (SOLD) Free shop manual

    Nope been gone a few months now.
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    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    My condolences. We lost our dog or 14 years this fall .
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    Relocating BX fuel filter

    Happen to have a part number for it?
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    Relocating BX fuel filter

    Man, that looks much easier to replace than laying under the thing getting a diesel shower.
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    Replaced BX turnbuckles

    I saw those on Ebay and Amazon. They are on my list of items I need to add. The turnbuckles are a pain.
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    BX2380 step?

    One thing to keep in mind is make sure you either remove the step or size it so it clears the MMM when mounted.
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    First service at 50 hours

    have about 200 hours on mine and its 2+ years old (august 2020). I use it mostly for mowing, but also landscaping duties, an expensive wheel barrow and pasture maintenance.
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    BX Series - First Service

    I had a similar experience when I did my BX's first service. Now I take the long way around and make sure I am low in diesel beforehand and then just drain the tank while I am working on other parts of the tractor. it takes longer, but in the end I don't get covered in diesel. I do like the...