Search results

  1. D

    LA724 frame break

    A good welder could fish plate that on both sides, for way less than the price of the new part...:D:D
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    Harley rake questions

    Tines on a rototiller wouldn't hold up to the punishment. The fingers on a HR are tungsten carbide tipped, for wear resistance, and the roller they are attached to actually grades the loose dirt. Apples and oranges...:D:D
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    Looking for sickle bar mower recommendation for Kubota BX2670

    The older pitman type mowers are prolly too heavy... I'd look for an old Haban hydraulic sickle mower, like they usedta have on old cub or gravely mowers, and adapt one of those, they are lighter, and, and hydraulic powered, so all you have to fab would be a mount, and a coupla lines, if the...
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    6 1/2' king kutter disk

    Depends on how much it weighs, and if that is over the weight limit, of the lift capacity of your tractor...:D:D
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    hydraulic line caps

    You might want to make yourself a "glove" of sorts, that goes over the caps, maybe held on with a bungee cord, or big rubber band. You could prolly actually make it out of an odd glove, come to think of it...:D:D
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    Tape Under hood

    Betcha foam camper tape would be a reasonable approximation...:D:D
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    Boudreaux Taunts A Gator...

    That gator would be a pair of boots, if that was my truck...:D:D
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    Gravity fed or elec pump diesel tank...

    Wouldn't hurt, standard oil used to have a ground chain draggin, on all their trucks, and them boys made millions...:D:D
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    Harley rake questions

    Here is the setup that I use: It really depends on the soil type, how well a harley rake works. Also some HR's are able angle the machine, left or right. On the one in the video, I can operate fwd, and rev, so I can pull rocks out, by going back and forth, as I...
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    3 point sprayer

    I have a 15 gallon electric unit, that fits like it was made for my 4' bush hog. Usually you can get the electric units at the end of the season, for about $200 or less. I mounted 1 nozzle, on the tail wheel, on the bush hog, and was able to do 2 jobs, at once. I used mine to get rid of...
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    Land Pride RCF2060 rotary cutter - how low do you set?

    I set the shoes up high, and adjust the depth of the mower, with the lift stop nut, on mine. If you run the shoes real low, they will plow up girt, especially as you cross a ditch or go up a hill, not to mention wearing out the shoes...:D:D
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    3 point sprayer

    What are you spraying?:D:D
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    motor stalls

    Check your safety switch(s), too...:D:D
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    Damn good song...

    Was listening to a classic country station, on the way home from Berryville, Va, today, reminded me of this old, yet surprisingly timely song...;);)
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    Tomorrow I gets a break

    Here's one a little bigger than mine, too bad I don't have high flow, on the ASV RC30... This is the low flow one I have, to do the stump, in the first video would be about 15-30 minutes of work... I spent the day at the Shenendoah...
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    Off Topic Grass Topic

    The first thing to do is to accurately identify the weed, there are several, that look like crabgrass... The second thing to do is to make sure that you are not culturally favoring the weed you want to be rid of.... (mowing too low, or driving un-necessarily, on the lawn...) The third thing...
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    Daily Chuckle

    My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, and stereo, and iPhone, and iPod, and my laptop. Please take all of my jewellery to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters. Then sell...
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    Trailer a tractor

    DOT regs, here is one chain and binder, per corner/wheel. Sorry, I don't do pictures...:D:D
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    more from my game camera.

    Search tannerite hog control, if ya wanna see some good hog results. I'd post it here, but last time I did, it earned a new sticky, at the top of the page, from Mr K... Don't wanna break any rules...;);)
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    Daily Chuckle

    A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede, which came in a little white box to use for his house. He took the box back...