Harley rake questions


New member

Apr 11, 2016
South KC, MO
There is a local dealer that rents out harley rakes. I have never run one, but wanted to find out how they work out in rocky soil. Most of the rocks are hand size, but I do have some that are larger than that. It's my understanding that the rake just keeps pulling the rocks along until you get to the end of the run allowing them to be scooped up. Is this correct? What about using the rake over a grassy lawn? Should the grass be killed first or will the rake take care of that too?

We have been putting some unpulverized top soil down over the rocky layer, but there are still some large clods in the soil and some of the rocks poking out of the soil. I am just trying to get it fairly level and help break up the clods.

The only other issue is that the harley rake is 84" wide, and I can't get into all of the areas I want to get into, so I am looking for other options. I am thinking of getting one of the walk behind power rakes to help with breaking up the dirt clods. Do these do a good job of that? I know it is more manual labor involved running one of these, so if it will do the same job as the harley rake that may be the way to go as it is cheaper rental fees. I ran one of these years ago to remove the thatch, but never for smoothing out the dirt.

Thanks for the help.


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L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
Here is the setup that I use:


It really depends on the soil type, how well a harley rake works. Also some HR's are able angle the machine, left or right. On the one in the video, I can operate fwd, and rev, so I can pull rocks out, by going back and forth, as I hear a big one hit the drum. Got any pictures, of the soil, in question??:D:D


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
If it will angle, it will make a windrow of to the side. It will roll a good size rock without beating much up.
As far as grass goes, mow it short, if you can- bag it or rake it. Its just less junk to deal with later.
I built a poor mans version,13 hp and 4 feet wide. Was almost dry enough a couple days ago, 2-1/2" of rain fell monday and its raining again.

By the way, it needs to be near dusty dry,or you will be building mudballs.

Ya, so we need to see before, during and after pictures. Good luck.


New member

Apr 11, 2016
South KC, MO
Thanks for the response guys. I called the dealer that had the harley rake on their website and they said that they don't rent the three point implements anymore. Said I could rent a bobcat with the harley rake. I can't get the bobcat in the area that I need it. After hearing the rental fees and delivery fees of the bobcat, I said no thanks. The rental place did recommend to try a verticut machine.

We ended up putting about a 2" layer of the unpulverized topsoil over the rocky stuff and I may give that verticut a go as I do plan on seeding the area. All I really want to do is break up the dirt clods.

Unfortunately it is dark outside right now, so I don't have the pics yet. :(


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L2050DT, TSC 5ft Rake, Tartar 5ft rototiller, TSC Middlebuster, TSC CarryAll
Feb 6, 2015
I watched the EA video and couldn't help but wonder except for the ability to angle why a rototiller wouldn't accomplish the same thing?


New member

L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
I watched the EA video and couldn't help but wonder except for the ability to angle why a rototiller wouldn't accomplish the same thing?
Tines on a rototiller wouldn't hold up to the punishment. The fingers on a HR are tungsten carbide tipped, for wear resistance, and the roller they are attached to actually grades the loose dirt. Apples and oranges...:D:D