Search results

  1. R

    Plastic gear oil cap fell into the gearbox!

    Another option if the 'grabber' does not retrieve it... Adapt (duct tape) a piece of small tubing to your shop-vac and lift it out with suction. Obviously, drain oil and locate cap before flipping the switch. Your vacuum is going to be pretty amp'd up. As others mentioned, odds are you would be...
  2. R

    BX1870-1 Block Heater

    Well, don't that just figure! My in-line heater is already installed, works quite well. Reckon at this point, I will just stay with what I have. If it ever quits working, I will see what is to be had at that time.
  3. R

    Oil filters

    Okie doke, guys. I can't tell you all of the 'how and the why's', because I do not know ALL of the details. I just know the claims and the outcome. Do what you like with the information. I have nothing left to offer.
  4. R

    Oil filters

    Okay, what do I know anyway. In the last 15 years I have SEEN four different owners denied warranty due to fluid and/or filter issues. At least one of them was savvy enough to have his lawyer write letters although they never made it to court and he still did not get anywhere. He still had to...
  5. R

    Oil filters

    In the end, we all make our own decisions. For those who feel confident taking on the manufacturer, may the wind be at your back. Be prepared for all of your maintenance procedures/intervals to come into question. The burden of proof will be on you. So, if you know more about procedure than the...
  6. R

    Oil filters

    I have never worked at a Kubota dealership. I have worked at a green one and now, Case/Apache/Massey/Hesston/MacDon combo dealership. I HAVE seen claims denied based on outside filters being used. Fleetguard seems to be the only exception embraced by both Deere and Case. Easy to talk tough until...
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    Don't know much, other than our local dealer saw one at a conference and liked it. He said it is powered by a Subaru engine.
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    Sales Tax on Out of State Tractor Purchases

    I work for a dealership in Oregon. We do not have a Sales Tax, yet. However, Washington state does. If we sell a piece of equipment to a Washington resident, it goes like this: If we deliver it, we collect the Sales Tax and send it in. If the customer picks it up on our (Oregon) lot, they are...
  9. R

    Best Money Spent on a Shop Item?

    I guess my best tool investment would have to be whatever one I am using at the time. Hand tools, power tools, pneumatic tools, cordless tools, custom tools made by manufactured tools..... First thing I do when considering a new hobby is to see what exciting new tools I would need!!! :D For...
  10. R

    Oil filters

    I will never understand investing big money in a machine and then getting excited over saving small money on fluids and filters. Makes even less sense during the warranty period. Having a year's worth of fluids/filters on your own shelf if the dealer is not close by is something to think about...
  11. R

    Oil filters

    Oh, man. Could not agree more with what NIW said. Brand new machine, 50 hour service.... I would not consider anything other than Kubota brand filters. Just not worth risking the argument that could result down the road. Order extra filters to help defray the cost of shipping.
  12. R

    R-3 Turf or R-4 Industrial on BX1880?

    I have experience with both..... kind of. My BX has only ever run turfs and they do great. Makes sense with all of the 'edges' that come into play, much like a snow tire or an all-season tire. As for R-1, or Ag or bar type tires, I have used them on several different (larger) tractors in the...
  13. R

    R-3 Turf or R-4 Industrial on BX1880?

    Turfs will be your best bet in the snow. As for HP, the 1870/1880 has more grunt than most are willing to give them credit for. Truly, the most underappreciated BX in the lineup. Always hear the 'Guy never complains about too much horsepower' comment. How often do you hear an 1870/1880 owner...
  14. R

    Lower Radiator Hose Heater

    +1 on that. I happened to follow Delmar's path on this project. I was hoping to find a block heater for my BX1870. Ended up with a hose mount as that was the only workable option on my unit. The heater is made by Kat's and has 400 watts. Must be because it is such a small power plant but, after...
  15. R

    Considering an M6040

    Now, Dave......... I was really hoping for 'PRE-PURCHASE' information, LOL! :D I can't purchase before the 1st of March. However, it's at a great dealership and they will hold it if I commit. After receiving the background on this particular tractor, I am now trying to adjust my schedule to go...
  16. R

    Pavers for shop floor (?)

    Saw a sign once when I was young that said "Welcome to our ool. Notice there is no 'P' in it, please keep it that way". I don't see an issue with the pavers other than the frost-heave already mentioned. Time will tell.
  17. R

    New Kubota 2670 owner.

    If it ends up that the only issue with the 'B' driveline is length, I would cut it in a heart beat. Drivelines are often more expensive than anticipated. Plus, why have a driveline laying around not being used? Just my 2 cents, at no-charge. :)
  18. R

    Considering an M6040

    Thanks, fellas.
  19. R

    Considering an M6040

    Hmmm, all I hear are crickets in the background.... :rolleyes: I did a search on here using 'M6040' and picked up a few tidbits. Tractor is about 2 1/2 hours away. Was hoping for a better feel before burning up the better part of a day for a look-see.
  20. R

    Removing fan from water pump

    Not familiar with the L245 but I did take a quick look at the on-line parts book. If you pull the four bolts, the fan will separate from the pulley. If you do that, you should have a better shot at using a puller or a press. It is a keyed shaft, so hopefully not tapered.