Building a 22x40 pole shop in N Idaho. Lost control of my timing and got into winter with no floor. I’m not willing to pay the big $$ to get a contractor interested in coming out to work in the hinterlands. After a lot of surly stewing I concocted Plan B. I found a discount building supply to sell and deliver 8x16x4-inch heavy cinder blocks. Hired young strong persons to help level gravel, put down heavy permeable fabric, and lay the blocks on flat side. As I see it, advantages are no cracks ever, melt water just drains through, easy to pull up for pipe whatever, able to get it done in dead of winter (!), and cheap 75% less than the concrete guys. Disadvantages (maybe) are water comes through, won’t stand as well for really high pressure floor loads, and not as even or flat as concrete. None of those worry me much but we’ll see. Meanwhile the Orange Boys seem happy enough. What you think?
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