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  1. R

    Yard Help!!

    Plus one on that. Especially if you have any clay in your soil. More than one way to go for the rest of the job but make sure you have good drainage to start with.
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    Here's one ye won't have seen before

    Peat blocks, I'm guessing?
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    Which implement for weed knock down

    May be another no-no in your location but, what about chemical control using a glyphosate since you are going after them while green?
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    Fix for Oxidized Rims?

    Alright, will do a small bit on the inside of a wheel if negotiations continue. See if it will be an issue or not. The shallow part of me is not excited to spend a good chunk of change to ride around on pink rims... :D Thanks again for the help!
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    Fix for Oxidized Rims?

    Thanks for the info NIW! I have the better part of a gallon of NAPA Purple Power concentrate. Are you using it full strength for this type of job?
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    Is Kubota credit sketchy?

    Not much experience with it but, no problems here. Used it for our little BX package with no issues of any kind. By preference (I think we had a choice), our loan was set up for monthly auto-pay. I would not hesitate to do it again. On Edit: The previous posts refreshed my memory. We had a...
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    Fix for Oxidized Rims?

    Looking at a 12 year old Kubota utility tractor. Paint and plastic has good, original orange color on chassis & loader. All four rims, however, are closer to pink than orange. No peeling, just pink & chalky. Is there a reasonable way to reverse this, or would time be better spent stripping and...
  8. R

    Dealers out west with package deals?

    There is an outfit that advertises just what you are describing on Seattle Craigslist. No sales tax unless you are a Washington resident. It is, however, a long ways North from Utah. I don't know anything about them, just seen the ads. I simply typed in Kubota in For Sale.
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Deathtoblackberries, your' BX is lugging down and you have stalled your B on several occasions. Both machines are telling you to grab some throttle.... :)
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    Daily Chuckle

    Yeah, but it sure is funny when guys follow both links.... :D
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Looks like you are correct. It would appear that they have 2,500 right smack-dab in the middle of the loader range. Just for reference, we have two other loader tractors and we run each of the three differently but efficiently (no stalling). 2016 K BX1870 (18hp) =...
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    Learning to Weld

    Most low end 'welding' gloves feel like they are made out of 1/2" plywood, 3/4" after you scorch them. I prefer regular leather work gloves. If you go that route, they need to be loose enough to get them off in a hurry. Not uncommon to get a red-hot booger in them! For me, it's worth it for the...
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Not nonsense at all. You have to understand the machine. For one thing, loader work should be done at a minimum of 2,500-2,600rpm. Mowing will be at 3,000rpm or higher. It's by design, that's where these engines make power. Don't have to like it but that's just the way it...
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    Can't connect couplings on snowblade

    The hose end is a tapered pipe thread. The fitting you loosened, I am guessing, is a JIC fitting. Easier to loosen but, I was afraid you would end up with oil all over your cylinder and blade. Glad you are hooked up and ready to roll!
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    Can't connect couplings on snowblade

    Use wrenches to loosen the hose end fittings. Once they start leaking, you can stop until the pressure bleeds off. Best practice is to lay a rag over the fittings as you loosen it to keep from being sprayed. As you know, the oil will be under pressure but, it should be a small volume released to...
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Not a silly question and yes, you will gain something in the way of useable traction. However, you will need a strain-gauge and slide rule to figure it out. The difference is going to be mighty small.
  17. R

    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? I have been through two complete years now with a BX. Before that, it was a JD 425 for about 15 years. Although older, it would be very comparable to your X535. Loved that mower. Love my BX at least twice as much. With the loader on, make that 10X as much! Whatever BX you...
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Pat, no doubt any practical difference between the two models will show during high-load PTO applications. I have mowed/bagged with both and neither one had more than a 150rpm drop. I have not run a snowblower with either one, so will defer to you on that. Jon
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? Not to be argumentative but, how do you know you used all 23 HP? Also, did you try it with 18 HP and notice a difference? :)
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    BX1880 or BX2380?

    Re: BC 1880 or 2380? The 'ol BX dilemma... Many have been there and I will share my perspective as a satisfied BX1870 owner. The BX platform size can only benefit from XX number of ponies as a tractor, then it runs out of traction. The bigger ones have slightly more weight, and rubber on the...