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  1. R

    Considering an M6040

    I am considering trading old faithful ('79 JD 2440) in on a 2006 M6040HDC. Hydraulic shuttle, cab, LA1153 loader. It's a consignment tractor with a touch over 700 hours on it. The low hours could be good but, also make me wonder if it has been someone's headache. The tractor would do what I need...
  2. R

    Hay Spear Repair

    Depends on who made the spear. I have seen 3/4" and 1".
  3. R

    Battery Replacement ?

    +1 on the previous comments. If there IS extra room, get the biggest battery with the most CCA's you can fit. Also, a battery intended for off-road use (ag, construction) may cost more but, will handle shock and vibration better than an over-the-road battery.
  4. R

    Root Bucket/Claw *was* SSQA multi use base

    Re: SSQA multi use base If you don't mind messing with the bolts, it should be just fine. Nice job, by the way! :)
  5. R

    Is there a way to “tune” a L4060 into a 4760?

    "I am not being cheap, just cost effective". I love that! Reminds me of myself... As mentioned, the newer machines are just too complex to bump them without the proper tuner. Plus, you can't mess with the ECU without a service department knowing as soon as they hook up to it. Used to be a guy...
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    Short rant

    Truly sorry to hear of your heart attack and hope the Doc's were able to fix you up. If the dealer is not aware of your personal situation, explain it to them. After all, they are human too, even if the manufacturer is not. I know this because I work for a dealer, of a different color. If they...
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    Short rant

    I understand what you are saying. However, that does not change what I have experienced in the past. My opinion (and that is all it is) is that any dealer willing to haul or do the work in a remote location, deserves bonus points. The consumers' definition of 'no cost' will be much more...
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    Short rant

    Surprised at how many seem to be of the opinion that transport should be at dealer expense. Every recall I have been through for vehicles or equipment, it has been the owners responsibility to get the unit to the service center. Just the way the cookie crumbles even though it may be...
  9. R

    Online Parts?

    I'll cast another vote for building that relationship with your local dealer if they are at all competitive. It's good for both of you so I would at least talk it over with them.
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    Compressor issues

    I agree, sounds like the compressor itself is doing its' job. Stuck or broken regulator. If it needs replaced, find a way to drain the tank before removing.
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    less expensive alternative to Kubota Super UDT

    Have to agree. A fella, or the media, can make someone else's words sound like anything they want by taking those words out of context.
  12. R

    Brinley plow on 3 point?

    Yep, three point for what you want to do. Front-to-back angle needs to be adjusted so it neither climbs, nor dives when it is at the desired depth. At 15 hp, I think a single 10 or 12 inch will be about it, depending on soil type and if you are breaking sod.
  13. R

    Lower Radiator Hose Heater

    I have to agree, an actual block heater is best. However, it's not always an option and a lower hose unit is better than a pan heater in my opinion. In the end, anything is better than nothing. :D
  14. R

    BX1880 Mods and Upgrades

    One last question (maybe) on the armrests. Does at least the left armrest flip up out of the way for ingress/egress? If not, does it seem to interfere with getting in and out of the seat?
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    BX1880 Mods and Upgrades

    Cypher, thank you for the armrest kit number. :)
  16. R

    Hard facing rod on mower blades

    Hard facing a lawnmower blade may, or may not, end with the desired effect in the end. However, if a guy lays a single string along the underside of the cutting edge, it's not going to result in a blade that is any more dangerous than before you did it. There won't be enough heat that travels...
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    BX1880 Mods and Upgrades

    Looking good! What did you use for armrests?
  18. R

    Injector Pump

    We have done a fair amount of business with Oregon Fuel, referenced above. Not a single thing to say about them that is not positive. Of course, I was not aware that NIW did injector pump repairs until I read this thread. If it were me, I would see if he were an option first.
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    Choosing an 'L' Series

    Thank you, Sheepfarmer. Plenty of good information in the link.
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    Choosing an 'L' Series

    Skidsteers are pretty amazing, I just don't want one. The 4440 already has a 26' mower.