Search results

  1. R

    Hard facing rod on mower blades

    We have had good luck hard facing Schulte mower blades. Much heavier, though. Roughly 1/2" thick for 42' (feet, not inches) wide mower. What we found is that the hard facing needs to go on the flat (bottom) side of the blade just behind the cutting edge. The beveled upper edge will wear back to...
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    Choosing an 'L' Series

    Yep, understood. I don't want a new apple. I want a tangerine with a cab, if it can be rigged to move a 1,200 pound square bale safely. The loader spec's out okay on the three larger L's. Just concerned about weight transfer as in 'back-end on the ground and no damage to front axle'. I figure...
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    Choosing an 'L' Series

    Thanks for the reply, 85Hokie! Wondering if I can get away with something less than the 60hp model. Maybe closer to 50? Rented a Farmall 40C for one round of mowing this Summer. I had the heater on first thing, then A/C in the afternoon. VERY easy to get used to!!! Done right, this would be...
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    Choosing an 'L' Series

    Let's see how confusing I can make this.......... We have a John Deere 2440, made in 1979 with 4,300 hours. It's a 2wd, 61hp utility tractor with a factory loader, rear wheel weights and calcium in the rear tires. Primary use is mowing pastures on fairly steep ground, plowing snow with a rear...
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    Compressor for shop

    Jump on in, the water's fine! Really, they are pretty simple. The biggest challenge may be getting what you need. Most every one I have seen has a tag on the side of the compressor itself with brand/model/serial number. Take that info back to google. As NIW mentioned, holler if you have questions.
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    Compressor for shop

    If it still runs but fails to pump, pull the head off. Often it is just the reed valve set that needs replaced. I picked up a 100 gallon compressor once that would run and never build pressure. Got it home and wired in, only problem it had was a plugged up intake filter.....
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    BX1880 or BX2370

    That's just awesome!
  8. R

    Adding electric valve to sprayer

    I use this Teejet sprayer control kit. Three valves and pressure control where you want it. You could purchase a single 144A valve and wire it to a rocker switch if that is all you want.
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    Fractured Zerk Fitting

    Agreed, never seen a hardened zerk. Ideally, a left-hand bit would be used.
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    tire chains

    Can't wait to the wife we are done with problems! :D
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    RTV 1100 Trans. Capacity

    Thanks, guys! I did the fluid/filter change and it ended up being very close :) Funny thing, I found and printed off a WSM yesterday so I could pull the front CV shafts out for boot replacement. The first side will go back in this evening. The RTV's are pretty popular around these parts with...
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    tire chains

    Check out my recent post concerning an RTV question! :D
  13. R

    tire chains

    Take this for what it's worth and the price charged. We have always chained the front end first on 4wd vehicles. You get traction (engine weight) AND steering. Both are pretty handy things to have. This is mainly on pickup trucks and almost exclusively off-road in snow and/or mud. In regards to...
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    BX tiller question

    Can't be done. Hope you can get a refund. Oh, wait............... :D It's always fun to see what a guy can set right with some thought, a few tools and a bit of time.
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    BX1880 or BX2370

    It's way more likely that in twelve months you will realize that you could never go back to a regular old lawnmower and a snowblower! :D
  16. R

    Bx1850 transmission filter blowing gasket

    Kubota, Deere, Case may not make their own filters but.......... They are manufactured to THEIR specs. Our dealership has Case IH, Apache, Hesston, Massey and we also happen to be NAPA. I worked for Deere before this gig and know that I am speaking the truth. Use what you want but know that...
  17. R

    BX1880 or BX2370

    Really? :D Two inches longer, slightly taller tires and a smidgen more lift in the loader. Differences that really only count on paper. If one of them is too small for the job, they both are. Again, traction will be the first problem for either one and they can be ballasted to weigh the same...
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    To Ballast or not to Ballast-That is The Question

    If you get a sturdy box blade and need even more weight back there, suitcase weights are usually pretty easy to hang off the back side.
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    To Ballast or not to Ballast-That is The Question

    Glad that you have seen the wisdom in the proceeding posts and tied it into your recent experience with the gravel hauling. Before you spend bucks on a ballast box, consider any other implement needs you may have. A box scraper could be mighty handy for spreading that gravel and is comparable...