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  1. C

    changing attachments

    These three photos are on one of my quick hitches. Two show the hook for the side pins and one photo is of the top link attachment with the steel strap.
  2. C

    changing attachments

    Here is a thought to make your three point hook up much easier than the grief shown in the video. Most Category 1 implements have about a 27 inch spacing between the pins on the ends. Harbor Freight and others sell a quick hitch that is permanently mounted on the arms and the top link. On...
  3. C

    Buyer's Remorse - Should Have Gone Green

    If it is some comfort, here is the remark from a dealer near here that handles both green and orange. When it comes to the amount of time in the shop for various things, the greens come in twice as often.
  4. C

    Harbor Fright Quick Hitch

    As to the center hook problem. That hook isn't much used by me. I usually take a section of steel plate connecting link maybe 3" wide by 6 inches long by 1/2" thick and drill holes in it for 1/2" bolts. Then I use what ever holes in the hitch to match the height of the tool. A whole lot...
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    BX2200 wire id

    Plug looks like mine for the stop solenoid. However, not quite in that area.
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    BX2670 or B2920 ??

    I would not get a BX, any size, unless you try out the three point system with attachments first. The BX three point system is a cheap system, not a standard tractor three point system. I made the mistake of getting a BX for a city lot with about an acre to mow and to plow snow in winter. It...
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    Adjusting the Boxblade

    My adjusting the top link for any of the attachments is usually done on level surface. However, if the tool is to work a fixed depth below the level line, I set the tractor on appropriate thickness planks. For example, an angled rear blade used for snow plowing will not sit level on the...
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    What do I use to cover grass seed?

    Chain link fence works great, since it does a little digging itself. Add a plank or two on it, and maybe two concrete blocks in front end. Later is easy to store.
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    Running in 4WD

    Another risk you run is hinted at by Murphy. On side hill work with a bucket load and your center of gravity moved forward, and with the somewhat free side to side pivoting of the front axle, you run the risk of tipping sideways. Of course a low bucket is needed, but let's say you want to...
  10. C

    Running in 4WD

    If you want to buy something, look at Harbor Freight for a quick hitch. Then you can add all sorts of attachments back there quickly. I'd go for one of those "slip scraper" things that are really a rear mounted scoop. Load it up with concrete blocks or other heavy stuff. When not needed...
  11. C

    Basic / Generic Box Blade Advice Needed

    It all depends on how much you will use the box for. If only occasional and nothing requiring days of use, I'd opt for the cheapest, with teeth. So you bend things a little, a little work with a welder and some reinforcing, gosh you are well ahead of things cost wize. In our area outfits...
  12. C

    L3200 warm up normal or an issue

    Here is something for everyone. I once read a post by a farmer who had several tractors. He had those that would run all day out on the job in the fields as well as chore tractors. The chore tractors would require overhaul at half the hours of the field tractors. He blamed it on the lack...
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    L3200 brake lights / trailer hookup

    It depends on where you are and traffic. I darn near rear-ended a piece of farm equipment behind a truck going to a shop in town on a 40 mph road. Absolutely no lights, reflectors, etc. That's too nice a trailer to cave in the back end.
  14. C

    3 Point Hitch Question - BX 25

    Go to Harbor Freight and buy a quick hitch. Then transferring from one attachment to another will go much faster. You may have to add a small link at the top of each implement so as to only need one bolt up there. My BX has no trouble with a rear blade. For using the three point control on...
  15. C

    How can I make my tractor safer?

    Here is what I did where a new tractor was to be used. I arranged with a neighbor to help. What we did was take my tractor along the steepest parts. Attached to the tractor at a high point, such as the roll bar base was a rope that went up hill to another tractor with rope attached low on the...
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    Not sure what I need

    If you can build a tiller, you certainly can build a trailer. Then will come the day you want to upgrade for a better tractor. Make the trailer big enuff for that. One warning, check out the three point hitch control. If it is not one for setting the "draft", forget it. Some smaller Kubotas...
  17. C

    bx25...rear blade size

    Now you should get the quick hitch from Harbor Freight. Saves a bunch of time when hooking up.
  18. C

    bucket level indicator

    Check out some other makes. My blue tractor has a rod inside a tube. The tube is hinged to the support arm at upper end and the and rod is hinged to the bucket. An easy fix with a little welding. That end of rod and tube is at a good height. When rod end is flush with the tube end, the...
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    bigger commercial fuel nozzles

    I must be in a different area. Here the larger nozzle pumps are supplemented by one pump with smaller nozzles. That one usually is alongside the gasoline pumps. Even the truck stops have that set up.
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    New to tractors

    I have the smallest BX and have used it for 2 years. Plenty of power at 18 HP. Before moving to this city lot I had a larger blue tractor. That machine was a "standard" tractor with three point as "standard". Unfortunately the BX is not "standard" for the three point. I learned just...