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  1. C

    Trailer Break Away Kit Not Required

    I have had it happen with a loaded utility trailer since I hadn't noticed the wear in the hitch, but the chains took care of it. However, my current wife happened to be separated from her husband and he, with a car full of kids had a trailer with back-hoe on it come from the other lane and hit...
  2. C

    the challenge....

    Being that you are a self sufficient person consider doing your own concrete in sections. By that I mean doing the mixing on the job. In our area there are several sources of aggregate. To get a proper mix it should not have noticeable "dirt", but also well graded from fine to course. With...
  3. C

    the challenge....

    Nice pictures. Nice tractor. Nice tire chains. Nice blade. Explain the challenge. Looks like a snap to clear the snow. Maybe a different title "No challenge here".
  4. C

    Play in the rear blade

    This has to be a joke. For a Master Tech?
  5. C

    New 3 pt and Back Blade

    Hello boss: I question your statement that the rear 3 point stuff is designed for going forward. I also question causing damage going backwards. One has to assume that the operators of the tractors will do a lot of crazy things so that the possibility of getting sued for an inadequate product...
  6. C

    3pt hitch hook-up

    On the tractor, if it has multiple top link holes to attach to it has to do with draft control (semi automatic height control) and angle of blade attack on a bladed implement. If you also will note that using different top holes you change the configuration of the rhombus (four sided figure)...
  7. C

    BX25 tire chains

    One correction. I got my chains from in New Hampshire
  8. C

    BX25 tire chains

    There is the time that you will want chains on all 4. But, that probably will be rare. My experience in Wisconsin where there are some very steep driveways is that when very icy even on all 4, I could not make it up the grade with no blade down or bucket down (I'm speaking of a heavier tractor...
  9. C

    BX25 tire chains

    I got them from that place. Only problem is the cross chains for the front are a little long. They tend to tear up the rubber tie rod end seals for the front wheels. I found that not using them on the front was not much different than with none there. Mine are 11", hook point to hook point...
  10. C

    Stability / ballast / diy questions

    Almost. The idea that you can change the location of the C of G may not always be evident. Also, we might add that moving it fore or aft will change the stability, as with or without a load in the bucket.
  11. C

    B6000 questions

    Piker: No problem with you. You know that you need more clockwise twist to overcome the counter clockwise twists of the tractor power and the load. A front bucket or front weights help. Your hauling with a lift also gives more traction than the drawbar haul. However, here comes a new comer and...
  12. C

    B6000 questions

    One more technical item. Even with the hauling point being low as at the drawbar, if you don't let the log move at all and keep power to the rear axle, it will tip up and over. That's because then the counter clockwise twist of the engine and gears going exceeds the resisting twist of the...
  13. C

    B6000 questions

    Let me tell a true story. A friend of mine was home during Christmas vacation and he kept busy hauling logs out of the woods with a tractor something like the Ford 9N I think. He went back to school with one more log left to go. So his dad went to get the last one. They found him pinned...
  14. C

    Stability / ballast / diy questions

    One minor change to the correct information by 17. "Any weight added BELOW the center of gravity will add stability. Any weight added ABOVE the center of gravity will lessen stability. " Modify to: Any weight added BELOW the center of gravity will LOWER THE CENTER OF GRAVITY AND add stability...
  15. C

    Block heaters...

    Dave Eng: Now that's the way to do it Dave. It is surprising how far one can run low voltage and get some result. The only risk I see is the usual plastic insulation on wires has an additive to make it flexible, vegetable oil. It give off an odor that attracts mice and other rodents. So if...
  16. C

    BX Fuel shutoff

    Yup, I did it. Not much room there. However, the size is not common in USA, so I ordered one from Internet source. It is for 5/16" hose. Briggs and Stratton's is for 1/4" and may work OK, if hose clamp is tight. Also, you might check on an ultra filter funnel, one that will hold back...
  17. C


    I have one of these, the smallest of the BX. I'd doubt that there then is room for a back-hoe framework underneath and still use it for a belly mower.. For snow plowing I have a rear blade that works much better than the loader for most work. It is a 5 foot King Kutter obtained at a local...
  18. C

    Block heaters...

    There was a post on another forum site some years ago where a farmer made comparison of his tractors and the overhauls needed. His chore tractors and his field tractors were compared. The field tractors were started one a day and run all day. The chore tractors would get several starts a day...
  19. C

    Pulling up hickory trees

    Carl: Nice job and the presentation is great. Your description of the process also will help the guys. The successive pulls statement also will help them. I suspect a two person operation would go faster, right.
  20. C

    Pulling up hickory trees

    Carl: Neat jig. I thought you might have some trouble keeping the chain from slipping off the "U". How about a "v" on top and a cross piece on bottom and a leg. The leg even might have some differing hinge places, depending on layout.