I've been having a lot of fun learning to use my tractor and implements to reclaim part of our property that looks like an abandoned super-vine research station. I found something that will smother grape vines: air potato vines. I'd like to see kudzu and air potato vines go head to head to see which would win. No, scratch that, they'd cross-pollinate and turn into something even worse! 
So now I've got patches of smooth dirt and want to grow some kind of ground cover on it. Looks like rye grass would be good for the winter here in Florida. We're talking about an acre, and it's got some slope variations. I can see spreading the seed with one of those push fertilizer spreaders, but then you're supposed to cover it with a quarter inch of dirt. I know there has to be a way to pull something behind the tractor that would do the job, but I have no idea what it is. Help?
-- Carl
So now I've got patches of smooth dirt and want to grow some kind of ground cover on it. Looks like rye grass would be good for the winter here in Florida. We're talking about an acre, and it's got some slope variations. I can see spreading the seed with one of those push fertilizer spreaders, but then you're supposed to cover it with a quarter inch of dirt. I know there has to be a way to pull something behind the tractor that would do the job, but I have no idea what it is. Help?
-- Carl