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  1. C

    Wk end outage

    Whoops a miss spell. Did you catch it?
  2. C

    Wk end outage

    Now there is a speed writing and reading expert. More power to you. Try this: Nw thrs a spd rdg n rdg xprt. Took half the space. says same. Spell checker needs work though.
  3. C

    L3200 2012 81 hours...starts, runs for half a second and dies...will not stay runnin

    If you don't have one, a multi-meter is handy for checking voltage as well as good continuity of switches. They can be as cheap as $10 and still be good enough for checking things. I'd disconnect the leads to the fuel pump and see if you have a continuous 12 volts. Do you hear it running...
  4. C

    Bucket Teeth

    Why not make your own? If you look at the last post, you see a bar of steel attached via "ears" back into the sides of the bucket, with a bolt there. Then, all you need to do is weld onto that bar what ever you can lay your hands on for teeth. make sure that the teeth extend back far enuff...
  5. C

    bx 1870 new help!!

    As to fuel hose size, 5/16" may be it. All I know is I took an old filter to the store and that is what they gave me, which fits the 8mm diam of the filter input and output stubs. Since they are rubber, dimensions are not critical.
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    L3400HST Loosing Power

    I have a small BX and it had all those same problems from new. Went through all sorts of changes. New filters, new tank cap (if plugged), changed fuel, etc. Finally I changed the fuel pump, even though it ran on the old one. Seems to have fixed it. Most of the trouble was with a partial...
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    Pulling my hair out

    Which arms are you referring to? The upper arms that then lift the lower arms, or the lower? If the uppers, it may be that the splines are worn and one side is not where it was built. If so, that's a job for the dealer.
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    Driveway - big mess!!!!

    Unless you really do an engineered job, you will continue to have to do maintenance. The first thing that is required for a fixed job is keeping the water off the road with a change of cross slope and install collecting culverts. The hill side of the road then will be lower that the outboard...
  9. C

    Beginner needs all kinds of advice

    For flexibility and reasonably powered and equipped, I would not go with the smallest Kubota, the BX series. I made the mistake of getting one after moving to a city lot. It works fine in all respects, except for two things. The front end loader does not go high enough for suitably loading...
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    BX1770D and 12 Tons of Rip Rap

    Very good to hear how it was done. Too many a contractor as well as landscapers and some engineers don't know that filtering of the flow of water is needed. It also applies to rip-rap used for beach protection.
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    hillside stability

    One more point about stability, the location of center of gravity and the effect of a front axle with pivot. Take a kids toy wagon, with the typical front axle that has some pivoting capability. Place a concrete block in the back end and take it to a steep side hill and check the tendency to...
  12. C

    hillside stability

    If you are uneasy about side hill work, consider a test. I did this for lawn tractors and side hill mowing Since they had no roll bars. Pick the steepest place and where up hill there is a level place, such as a road. With another tractor or a vehicle with trailer hitch on the road, tie...
  13. C

    should mower tailwheel always contact ground?

    I have placed a short piece of steel 1/2" thick by 3" w x 8" long between top link (of Quick Hitch) and top connection of mower. Holes near each end for the pins. Then, most of the time there is slack in that top link connection. When going over a hump it straightens out and leaves the rear...
  14. C

    bx 1870 new help!!

    As to hard turning of mower height knob, I had that also at beginning, but with the mower at full height, no problem. On pages 14, 16, 17 and 18 of the mower manual they show that as part of operating. Seems like they mean what they say.
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    GR2120 - Changing Fuel Filters

    Not sure what your tractor looks like, but my BX is about the same, per your cements. Measure the diameter of the fuel filters for getting the proper valve. I had to buy via internet for a 8 mm size hose. However, I then made a device for checking the degree of plugging of a filter using 8 mm...
  16. C

    Farm Chains

    Look up the posts on welding hooks on buckets. As with any lifting, always do the job like the chain will break. I am amazed at how much pull a standard small chain can take. Another risk that may come about lifting stuff with the bucket is tractor tipping over with the load too high. It...
  17. C

    L3200/L3800 FEL Hooks (LA524)

    I've welded a bunch of hooks on several buckets Always just welded them to what ever was there. They have taken some great abuse. The only added thing was on my blue tractor bucket center hook. The heavy abuse placed a slight bend in the top rim of the bucket. I added a section of fence...
  18. C

    BX1770D and 12 Tons of Rip Rap

    Great little tractors. I have one and am amazed at what it can do. The control of the three point is a cheapy that is very difficult to use for fine grading, etc. Larger tractors are much better in that regard. Being a geotechnical engineer, I have one question. Did your neighbor check...
  19. C

    bx 1870 new help!!

    A few other points. The fuel filters are very fine. I suspect much finer than needed. However, they tend to clog. You can help avoid or postpone the trouble by filtering fuel. I use a filter funnel, purchased via internet, that is so fine it will hold back water. Not easy to use, but...
  20. C

    bx 1870 new help!!

    I lost my first try at this answer, so here goes again. Most belly mowers, as with this one, raise and lower the mower deck by raising and lowering the rear arms, with the lever on the right fender area. Pull up and the arms go up, push down and the arms drop down. The mower follows along...