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  1. C

    BX1870 First Photo Attempt

    Interesting shots. Why the wheel weights? I'd be interested in your experience with fuel and filters. My Bx1860 seems to be plagued with filters plugging some; possibly it was the fuel pump not doing the job. Now with new filters and a new fuel pump I will run it and see if it still quits at...
  2. C

    BX2370 belly mower won't go to top pos.

    Dial only turns clockwise. Set it at "top", with the indicator facing rear to a small pimple of a marker. You can only get there with dial when the mower is raised all the way. There may be an obstruction preventing the movement. Do the 3 point arms come all the way up? They should be about...
  3. C

    BX Expanded Stuff

    All nice stuff, if $ are there, fine. I have had several tractors with buckets. Each one was then equipped with hooks where I wanted them, welded on. Much cheaper I bet. Also, on some buckets the mid top hook may see some strong loads and cave in that edge some. Cure was to place (weld) a...
  4. C

    Need to transport BX2230

    Arranging your load is another factor. Some want 10 percent on the hitch. I usually do less to make it more comfortable in the cab. However, going up a steep hill with the load near balanced will put an uplift on the hitch. In one case for me, I was glad to have 4 WD since the rear tires...
  5. C

    New BX1860 owner looking for advise

    I have the same tractor and attachments. It is a step down from a 26 HP Blue tractor that I had to pass on to a son. This smaller trisector is for a city lot. All I can say is I should have tested every use before getting it. While the front end loader works great, the PTO control is not...
  6. C

    Mid-mount mower RCK48-15BX on BX25?

    I'd suggest contacting a dealer. My guess is that it will fit, assum9ng the frames and gears are the same on all BX's. I have a BX1860 (the smallest one made) and the mower under it is RCK-54-23BX. I am assuming it will also fit a BX2360. Why not look for a wider mower, since you have...
  7. C

    A DOH moment & a question...

    I have used the rear blade a lot as well as the box scraper. I'd say the box with the digger teeth is great to get thing ready for final grading. Moving some dirt with the box also is great. However, for final finishing grading I prefer the front end loader and then backing up with the...
  8. C

    Watch out for those roots and small stumps with the loader.

    Just now took a look at my BX. Interesting that the bracket for use when no mounted Nickey covers all that metal tubing.
  9. C

    PTO Generator

    A quote from above: "A PTO driven gear box is the serious setup and in my research nobody listed anything running off the mid/front PTO shaft due to the difference in speed that it turns. Nearly all tractors are at 540 rpm PTO speed and can maintain it by the engine governor quite well if...
  10. C

    Fuel cap for BX1860 maybe plugged?

    With 110 hours on this machine I have had it quit running 4 times now. First few times figured I was out of fuel. Dump in more and away she goes. Next time had at least a half tank, so I figured plugged fuel filters. Dealer keeps many in stock, so maybe that is a common problem. the added...
  11. C

    BX1860 has possible plugged filter?

    Doing further check on Internet and it seems some owners have developed a plan to change filters every 100 hours. Sounds real bad for Kubota if you ask me. My blue tractor, with 3,000 hours on it never has had a fuel filter change or a stalling under load. Same fuel handling tanks for both...
  12. C

    BX1860 has possible plugged filter?

    Got the answer by pulling the two filters. First one in line had some crud in it. What this also told me was that the fuel gauge is working right. Curious that plugging of filters took place early in the life (stating maybe at 60 hours ). Leads to to the conclusion that maybe the tank sheds...
  13. C

    BX1860 has possible plugged filter?

    With only 200 hours on it, this small tractor has run out of fuel (or lost power fast) and I shut it off before it really died. First time at 1/2 indication, second at 5/8 indication and last at 3/4 tank indication. This has happened 3 times. After the first two stops, the dealer shop...
  14. C

    BX1860 bad fuel sender problems.

    Nice to see it may be something not easily fixed due to that dumb tank situation. Where did that schematic come from? I could use that info for other things.
  15. C

    BX1860 bad fuel sender problems.

    Ever since new a year ago this fuel gage or sender has been bad, always reads very high. Just before warranty expired took it into dealer and the sender was replaced. Same problem after that, always reads high. Ran out of fuel at 1/2 reading and 5/8 reading. Even though the gauge does a...
  16. C

    New/Used BX grill guard

    I got one with my BX 1860 and don't use it. It's in the way. You can have it. Location - Wisconsin. Not sure how they work this, keeping us as unknowns with "handels".
  17. C

    BX2350 Running Warm

    For what it is worth, I have seen many posts here about hot engines. So, when I bought a BX1860 I placed a double layer of aluminum foil between muffler and the sensor. Never had the gage go above 1/2 a result, but maybe it would not do so anyhow.
  18. C

    chains or straps?

    I've used both and if you know what nylon does when it breaks you prepare accordingly. If that log is 70 feet down in the woods, I don't have enuff chains and the strength to fool with them then. One thong about logs is if you are going to use them for lumber or will run a saw thru them, well...
  19. C

    Ants in my pants

    Hey CABO. I was once in your position. Got all that stuff, played with it and had fun. When the day comes that you begin to realize that you can't stay there and have to give it up, well that ain't fun. Have a great time while you can.
  20. C

    Goethermal Experience

    Hi: Sounds like "money is no object". However, how's about telling what sort of well system is used. I am assuming you are using earth temperature to extract heat from or to use for cooling. After all, geothermal means using the earth. Any environmental regulations on that well? Is your...