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  1. C

    Pulling up hickory trees

    Little Foot: In looking at the various replies, and reviewing the fence post idea, if you want some figures, I can tell you the forces, stresses, etc. having been a civil engineer. The log or wheel ideas transfer the horizontal pull to a vertical pull, but don't give any mechanical advantage...
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    Pulling up hickory trees

    On the thought of using levers, this is what is typical for some fence post pullers. You want to make the difference between A and B as much as possible, You could try using the bucket with full load to press the end of the lever down. Perhaps even hinge it to the lip.
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    Quick Attach 3 point Advice

    From my experience, there are many tools that fit the QH from Harbor Freight. It is as heavy construction as more expensive from Northern tool. Cat. I takes tools with 27" as out to out of frame, not counting pins beyond that. Some others fit on the ends of the lift arms so there would be...
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    Rear Blade Snow Removal - What are your tricks?

    Skeets friend: This time I was praising the little BX doing the job backing up. Even with that cheap 3pt control, it worked fine, since no special need for precise 3 pt position control then. And, I'm not the only one to dislike the control method for the rear arms. If you didn't see it...
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    New BX1860 owner looking for advise

    Eric and friends. My age is 85 and I sometimes type the wrong things. PTO yes, means Power Take Off and for the rear arms I should have said Rear Hydraulic Control Lever, or 3 Pt control, or maybe Draft Control lever (but there is no standard draft or standard position control on the BX)...
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    Front end loader technique

    Interesting. Someone who reads the book. Seems like over kill to worry about such things if you have common sense.
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    MX5100 Lift Arm Adjustments

    On my blue tractor the non-adjustable lift link has two holes in the bottom "U" end. Makes the adjustment you want easy, but the right adjustable link has to be "adjusted" also, but that is just turning a crank. I think changing hole locations on the arm lift links might be easier than...
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    Basic dumb question

    I suspect the "shield" is spring loaded so that when you grab it and slide it towards the universal joint, you release the part that is in the grooves of the outut shaft from the tractor. That movement is usually also needed as you re-attach the next time as you try to make a connection. I...
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    Rear Blade Snow Removal - What are your tricks?

    As to backing up plowing snow, well stick with that idea if you must. If your tractor can't take it, well try another brand. I've used blue tractors of about 30 HP and push that snow until all four wheels with chains tend to spin. Never any damage to the tractor parts. Never any gears...
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    Warranty for Poor Design "Woods RB 84" rear blade?

    Just took a look at mine. Entirely different design and much less cost. No bolt. The pivoting is on a pipe welded to the upper plate (with holes for adjustment), rotating inside of a large pipe. Make is King Kutter. Maybe I can't take this apart, but for snow plowing and occasional earth...
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    BX25D Float Feature for Snow Plowing

    OK guys, look at everything when it comes to this usage. As engineers, we use what is called a free body analysis showing all forces and resistances. At the time of front wheels lift, there are only two points on the ground, the bucket and the rear tires. The front upward rotation of the...
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    School me on BX's

    For those that believe Eric's claims, all you have to do is do a search with the word "jerky". While reading the owner's manuals may solve some of the complaints, not every orange owner is a happy camper. Here is just one of those...
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    BX25D Float Feature for Snow Plowing

    I've had blue tractors with buckets. Their float control never did what you describe. I suspect it is in the design of where the support arm pivoting action is located on the tractor. The higher it is located, the more likely the drag of the bucket will do the pole vault thing. One stroke...
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    School me on BX's

    I've had the BX1860 for three years now. Use it for mowing about 2 acres and snowplowing several short driveways in the winter. The bucket also gets used for stuff like loading gravel. It is only 18 HP but it seems to be plenty of power for my uses. Never had it not do some heavy work I...
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    Rear blade for B2920

    I'd park those weights somewhere for the winter. If you really want them for weight, put them in the bucket and 4 x 4 will work better with balanced loading. When I needed some weight for the blade to dig in for earth grading then they were needed hung on the blade frame, but not for snow. If...
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    Rear blade for B2920

    I'm not familiar with your tractor model, but if you order chains from a catalog for your tires, specifically the front tires, be careful. They may drape well around and then tend to damage the boot at the tie rod end. I'd opt for getting the measurement to clear and then ask for the proper...
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    Rear blade for B2920

    From what I can tell the HP is 29, so that compares to a blue tractor I have of 29 HP. That blue tractor, just short of 5 feet wide, easily handles a 7 foot wide blade that was category II. I changed the attachment so the Cat. I tractor could use it. Of course the blue tractor had a bucket to...
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    kubota ballast box converted to quick hitch compatible

    Wildfire: Nice photos. In reply to question, yes I am a civil engineer, age 85 now. Still get out there in the mud now and then, self employed. As to not using the top hook for the QH, several of the attachments I have used, usually for a larger tractor than the BX, have the pin there set...
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    kubota ballast box converted to quick hitch compatible

    Noting the great job, I am wondering why not make your own box? You certainly have that capability. Since I'm a CE I make a little use of that background, but do a lot of seat of pants building of stuff that works quite well for me. One detail that you used I would not do. I find too often...
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    Harbor Fright Quick Hitch

    For three photos of my quick hitch fix at the top link go to the thread "changing attachments". Click on the photos for clear view.