Basic / Generic Box Blade Advice Needed


New member

Kubota BX25
Oct 17, 2013
West Granby, CT, USA
I am researching my next implement purchase – a Box Blade – and have a few generic questions I’m hoping someone can answer.

1. If I were to compare a Woods vs. Everything Attachments box blade, what justifies the additional cost of the Woods? From the research I’ve done, the only major feature that seems to be desirable is a curved blade vs. a flat piece of steel…and both brands offer a curved blade.

2. What width is typically recommended…meaning should I match the width of my tires or should I go a little wider? For example, if my wheelbase is 6’, should I get a 6’ box blade or would 7’ be better?

Thanks in advance!!!!


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Welcom fast,, First off woods is pretty much top of the line how ever land pride and even several of TS box blades are very good,,
And everything attachments is good stuff too, I have never dealt with them but I hear they stand behind all their stuff, a good thing to know. Also as far as a 6 foot vs a 7 foot blade for your BX25 man both are a bit on the large side, you will find out that yeah you might be able to drag either on really smooth ground once they load up, YA AINT GONA BELIEVE HOW HEAVY THEY GET TO DRAG,, You will find you will run out of traction long before you run out of power and that's the point. For your BX a 54 incher would be the right size and as you use it you will see why bigger aint always better. Just MHO you understand, but a 6 or 7 footer would be way to much for your little tractor


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M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I think Skeets gave very sound advise and I would agree with him on the size for your BX as well. Personally I'm chapped at Woods products right now and I will never buy anything they produce but that's just me. I have had good luck with Bushhog brand implements.
Your question about the additional cost:
Look at the weight of the 2. A light weight box is about as close to useless as you can get. I have had both and even if it's just 50 lbs difference I would go with the heavier of the 2. MHO


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BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Spec sheets are handy, but to get a full appreciation, look at them side by side. We have equipment from LMC, King Kutter, Woods and Land Pride.

You also have to compare "apples to apples" as LP and others make a variety of models.

I agree with the others, I found a 48" box scraper to be just right, the 60" was just too much.


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Comparing weights is probably a decent measure of construction if you are comparing the same size. Heavier is usually better. You will find that most of the top manufacturers make different quality products in the same size. That way they can sell the cheaper model for less money and get the sale. What you end up with is a brand name product with cheap quality. Like others have said the best thing to do is to look at several in person and compare them if you can. Good luck



Grand L3010 GST 4wd, LA481FEL, various attachments and accessories
Aug 3, 2011
NW Illinois
Good advice above. I would add that a box scraper with scarifiers is a heck of a lot more useful than one without. Preferably adjustable scarifier teeth.
I pull a Woods GB72 behind my grand L and sometimes it loads up enough to anchor the tractor. No problem, I just have to raise it up and go at it in more than one layer.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
If you need to work the box hard, as in ripping up ground and pulling material up hill. Then you will be better off with a 48" unit, if just light work, then a 54" would probably be fine. I would go with a 48" unit myself. ;)


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L3800, B2410HSDB tiller mowers auger scraper blade fence stretcher rake blower
Sep 28, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Yes, go with the 4-4.5 foot model.

Just for comparison, I'm putting a Land Pride BB2566 (...66"er'...) on my new L3800 with ballasted R4 tires.
I'll probably even have to fill the front bucket for traction if I get into some tough ground.

Box scrapers can pull you to a dead stop when loaded and continuing to dig.
I run a 50"ish LP box blade on my B2410 with weighted R1 tires and find it an even match. Total weight of tractor,,,,2200ish, without front bucket filled no rear implement.


New member

Kubota BX25
Oct 17, 2013
West Granby, CT, USA
Thanks, guys! Sorry for the delayed response...didn't subscribe to my own thread and just manually checked for responses.

Sorry for the confusion but this question is not for my BX. My bro just purchased a non-orange brand (LS) and asked me to post and see what people thought. His rear wheel with is 6' to the outside. He found a used Woods 7' box blade on Craigslist for $600. Seems like a great steal but, the guys at. Everything Attachments recommended going with a 6' box. He's having a hard time deciding to buy a new EA 6' box or used Woods 7' box.




Grand L3010 GST 4wd, LA481FEL, various attachments and accessories
Aug 3, 2011
NW Illinois
Thanks, guys! Sorry for the delayed response...didn't subscribe to my own thread and just manually checked for responses.

Sorry for the confusion but this question is not for my BX. My bro just purchased a non-orange brand (LS) and asked me to post and see what people thought. His rear wheel with is 6' to the outside. He found a used Woods 7' box blade on Craigslist for $600. Seems like a great steal but, the guys at. Everything Attachments recommended going with a 6' box. He's having a hard time deciding to buy a new EA 6' box or used Woods 7' box.

A used Woods in good condition is a bargain at $600 if he's got enough tractor for it. My 72" weighs just over 500# and is a perfect mate to my grand L with loaded tires and front wheel assist. My tractor is 66" wide on the tire track. I want a box scraper a little wider than my track. The woods brand scrapers are a little overbuilt if anything. I've caught stumps and rocks and there is no way it's gonna bend or break at normal ground speeds.


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
It all depends on how much you will use the box for. If only occasional and nothing requiring days of use, I'd opt for the cheapest, with teeth. So you bend things a little, a little work with a welder and some reinforcing, gosh you are well ahead of things cost wize. In our area outfits such as a local chain farm supply get some pretty good stuff at lower prices, not name brand. Look to see what it is made of. Short of bending things, the cutting blade usually can be turned around when worn. That takes a lot of use before that situation.


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BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
No question, go with the Woods, I run two 7' box scrapers on our L5740 and M8540, one is a LP HR3584 which is the equivalent of the Woods Gannon.



New member

Kubota BX25
Oct 17, 2013
West Granby, CT, USA
Thanks again for all the advice!!!

Spoke with my bro and relayed the intel. I'm pretty sure he is going to buy it and give it a whirl. Like I told him, the worst that happens is his tractor can't pull which case he resells and won't loos any money...maybe even sell it for a little more than the purchase price.
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Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Thanks again for all the advice!!!

Spoke with my bro and relayed the intel. I'm pretty sure he is going to buy it and give it a whirl. Like I told him, the worst that happens is his tractor can't pull which case he resells and won't loos any money...maybe even sell it for a little more than the purchase price.
Yes, definitely a win either way. The key to satisfaction will be proper use. My Land Pride HR3584 is a bit undersized for our M8540, but if you allow it to do a full dig will stop the tractor in it's tracks with all four tires spinning, differential locked and limited front differential.

If the tractor has draft control, use it and if not just keep your cut reasonable as well as how full you get the box.

Let us know how it works out.