Search results

  1. gpreuss

    LA504 Question on B3300SU

    When you are scooping from the bottom, you tend to pull right on the joystick lever first to angle the bucket up to its limit, then pull down on the lever to lift the bucket. If you do not completely release the angling activity, the hydraulics can lock up, and you cannot lift. This happened...
  2. gpreuss

    Front weights

    Yes, It made a big difference. I bush hog about 10 acres regularly - 2-3 times a year. The land is fairly hilly. The FEL on the old 185 had its weight pretty far out in front, and stability was always a bit of a heart stopper. Now with the 3200 I can just take it off, and everything feels SO...
  3. gpreuss

    BT 1200 Loader for L245DT

    I don't think the $140 per cylinder is too far out of touch with reality. I just paid $90 for a 3X8" universal replacement with pinned U-brackets to modify my rear blade. The FEL cylinder has welded sleeves on the body and ram, making it a custom deal, about 5" shorter overall than an...
  4. gpreuss

    Backhoe problem

    Isn't there a pin holding the upper arm to the frame?
  5. gpreuss

    LA463 vs LA524; 60" pin-on vs. 66" QD

    I went for the 66" QD bucket on the L3200 - mostly because that is what the dealer was stocking. As bluegill pointed out, you can remove the whole FEL in 5 minutes. Why bother with just the bucket? I've had the FEL off several times for mowing and tilling - never just the bucket. If you are a...
  6. gpreuss

    Ft. tow eye/tie down point for b2620

    That's a really nice looking job... Probably be handy for pulling out trees as well.
  7. gpreuss

    New Paint for B1600

    Great Job!! Looks like you are having fun....
  8. gpreuss

    PTO gen set

    When I got my L3200 I wanted things to do with it! The PTO generator was high on the list. Fortunately I sort of have to run big tickets by my wife, so I let this one pass. I have a 7KW welder/generator that runs on gas. I do enough welding -at least once every couple of months- that it...
  9. gpreuss

    Front weights

    I put together a weight bar for the front of my L3200. The weight is about 260#. Cost of the steel was $210. Total bill was about $225, with the hardware and a can of spray paint. Kubota's suitcase weights would have been about $350.:)
  10. gpreuss

    Question about using a bush hog

    My L3200 3pth does not drift. I'd save a piece of chain for the upper link, however.
  11. gpreuss

    kubota bound , tractor newbie

    I went the L3200 route. I figured the less hp, the less likely I'd be to tear up the tractor. I also went the gear route. When you are digging with the FEL, the tendency is to charge into whatever you are trying to dig. I've never used anything but low for this, to protect the tractor. With...
  12. gpreuss

    Implement sizing delema

    35 years ago I bought my L185DT, for $4000 plus $2K for the FEL. The next size up was the L245DT, for $4400. The 245 had bigger tires, adjustable wheel width, at least 30% more hp. I live in hilly country. I needed width. I spent days building spacers, etc, trying to make up for too narrow a...
  13. gpreuss

    My First Orange Tractor

    You are supposed to buy a high pressure washer with your orange tractor, to keep it looking its best! Don't tell your wife - she'll want you to use it for the car, too.;)
  14. gpreuss

    Swing arm chain breaking

    Stumpy, it takes about 30 seconds to swing from full right over to full left, or vice-versa. My reckoning is that if it never gets going fast, it won't be really hard to stop it. The land around me is hilly. Often the king post is out of vertical. If it is leaning back, the load starts to...
  15. gpreuss

    Swing arm chain breaking

    I forgot to say the master link is a 60 pitch HD. That is about an eighth inch deeper than normal. Big R has them on the shelf.
  16. gpreuss

    Swing arm chain breaking

    I have broken 20-30 master links with mine, as well as the slide bar twice. Truth is, it is a crummy design. Worse truth is that they were still offering the same design in 2004! Just recently I decided to overhaul my K650. I have a small thread going in fabrication, called "K650 Backhoe...
  17. gpreuss

    Rear blade lift height

    I am getting confused here by the Cat 1/Cat2 issues. From the internet: Category 1 3 Point Hitch<- - - Most common This category is intended for tractors 20 to 45 Horsepower Toplink Pins are 3/4" diameter Lift Arm Pins are 7/8" diameter Category 2 3 Point Hitch This category is intended for...
  18. gpreuss

    L3200 with Land Pride 1860

    I have my L3200 widened out to 66". I do not believe that is your problem, however. I always have the deck level, a couple of inches above ground, with the trailing wheel adjusted for that. I can go lower, but on uneven ground it does tend to tear up the field. Instead of the bar for the 3rd...
  19. gpreuss

    B7100 front wheel backspace

    On both my L185DT and L3200DT if you follow the turning shaft axis down through the tire it would poke out just inside the tire centerline. That would tend to keep the strain on the shaft at a minimum. When you widen the wheels out, you are trying to roll the wheels around, as well as turn...
  20. gpreuss

    My First Orange Tractor

    Do they make heavy foam? You are spot on about the nails. Just one of them would spoil my day. It would be nice if you could have weight AND foam....