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  1. D

    Old Gray Fergy

    Fill her with heavy oil, and send her to an auction, in the spring. sometimes you get lucky...:D
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    Inter Axle Ratio for the B1750 and B7300

    One really does not have to be a rocket scientist. Just keep the front tire outside diameter and the back tire outside diameter the same as the original tires were, and all is good. If you are in mud, everything is forgiving, but when that mud freezes, you can break things...:rolleyes:
  3. D

    Battery size question

    all of my kubota motors get used cat batteries, that are 3 years old, or so. The new batteries go on the vehicles that need to be ultra dependable. I think 210 CCA would start most kubotas, IMHO.:D
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    Beef with Kubota - The nut that drove me nuts

    On My L 185, It had a locking tab that had to be bent down, before nut could be removed. Then I just put a big honking pair of channel locks on the crank shaft splines, and a adjustable wrench on the pulley nut, came off no problems...
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    Cats, Big cats

    Reminds me of a jerry clower story:
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    Type of fluid inrear tires

    MY Bad, I assumed since it was made of beet pulp, that it would be reddish. As to the flavor and smell, I dare say, yes I have tasted pig shit, rather unwillingly, I might add, LOL:D
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    d235dt hydraulic test ?

    First, replace the hyd filter, and check the suction screen...
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    3 Point Log Skidder

    Here is a video of one similar to mine:
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    cold weather starting question

    Check the connections at the glow plugs, themselves, they have a weird kind of nut, at the top of the GP, takes a rather thin bladed flat screw driver, to tighten. Many times they loosen with engine vibration, and lose the connection.
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    cold weather starting question

    Have you turned the start knob to the left, or opposite direction of start, to engage the glow plugs? It's not automatic, like on a car or truck... Also, I pre-heat mine with a little coleman single burner stove, placed under the oil pan, sufficiently low enough to not set the tractor...
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    OPC~Seat Switch

    I have never had a Kubota with a seat switch, but have disconnected one on my dixie chopper lawn mower, and bypassed one on an older gravely. You really have to hook up a test light, and see how the switch works. The ones I worked on were normally closed, when you got off or farted, 2 wire, on...
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    Freeking amazon

    What racist remarks? All I read is about people who work for an english speaking (supposedly) company, yet can't (or won't) understand plain english...:confused:
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    L175 Remote Hydraulic

    Wolfman, got a picture or 2 of the exact location you drilled at? Been thinking of doing just what you described, to pull an aerator, with my L-185...:D
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    Removing Stumps

    If you have the luxury of time, try this: first cut stumps off as close to the ground, as low as you can, then drill 4-6 holes per stump, about 1" diameter, fill the holes halfway up, with saltpeter, AKA, revenge stump destroyer. Wait a year, soak the stump with used motor oil, then take a top...
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    My Winter Experiment

    I've been using 1"thick PVC board as a cutting edge, on my home-made v plow for years, you just put an old cutting edge on it, and use that as a drilling template. I used 2 gravely walk behind blades, and an old tater plow shoe as the center part. I welded the plow point up, about 2", and put...
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    3 point Raise Arm Issue

    If it were mine, I'd grind it off, as you say, but after grinding, try this first: take a beeswax candle, and hold it to the ground off end, and the other side, so that the wax melts into the joint, on both sides. Then take an adjustable wrench, and try twisting back and forth on the clevis...
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    Dry Rot

    Those cracks don't look real bad yet. The ones that are of concern are the ones that head around the shoulder of the tire, into the sidewall, parallel to the cleats. Eventually the crack gets big enough to pinch the tube, from that point, it's a blow out boot, on the tire, and an old tube...
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    3 Point Log Skidder

    Sorry can't post pics, google logging arch, and you'll get many ideas...:D
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    3 Point Log Skidder

    I made a single axle pull type skidder rig that operates by gravity. you attach a clevis to a sloped rod, on the front tongue. you back into the log, and attach the chain, and as you pull forward, the clevis slides up the ramp, lifting the log, and transfers the weight to the wheels, which are...
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    Aftermarket till tines??

    Take one off, and measure it every way possible. then count how many lefts and rights you have. then go to clean cut tiller tines site. I just got all tines for a G-50 befco for $168, including shipping...:D If it's a Kubota FS850, Clean cutter has them, like $12 here's a link, you have to...