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  1. D

    B7000 hand throttle doesn't stay in position

    My redneck solution to this problem, on my L2202, was to disconnect the worthless hand throttle, and attach a vernier throttle control cable directly to the injection pump. I had to fab up a metal bracket to the left side of the sheet metal, near the fuel tank, and make a connector to the...
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    Type of fluid inrear tires

    Tip of tongue taste test. Salty with a metallic bouquet= CACl3 Sweet and yellow/green= antifreeze Alcohol taste and clear or blue+=methanol Borsht taste and red color with pulp=rim guard or beet pulp.:D
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    B2150 & hay baler

    Too big of a machine to run off of a lightweight tractor, IMHO. If it does run it, I wouldn't try it on hills, or pulling a wagon behind the baler. Braking is the main issue, every time that plunger moves forward, so will a light tractor, and on a hill, that is a major issue...
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    Need weight on the front Many tractor pullers weld up weight racks in the middle of the tractor, just ahead of the rear axle, to achieve the right weight balance, to get the correct traction, to adjust for wetness of the track, or soil conditions they are pulling in. Tractors ain't picky...
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    B7000 dies in garden.

    Look over in the service forum for all the answers you want, the thread title is thermosyphon heat transfer, or some such similar. It is the simplest cooling system there is, other than air cooling...
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    Found something cool today

    Beg to differ, Allis is the original orange tractor. Cleveland was absorbed into the oliver/hart-parr line, then to Oliver, then to Massey, then to Agco. if you follow the history most independent tractor lines were bought and phased into other companies lines. If you are interested, there are...
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    trailer loading fails

    youtube is full of these darwin award winners. Always use chocks, and park the trailer on a level spot, with a slight rise approaching the ramps. Remember the scene in the outlaw josie wales, where clint shoots out the rope on the ferry?:D
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    Lynch pin holders

    My old L2202 has them on the inside of the lift arms, just a piece of 1/4" round, bent like this -^-, and welded to the arm. Second best fix is to bolt an old .50 caliber ammo box to a fender, to put all the wrenches and pins, and swear words you need to change 3 point equipment out. My old...
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    Thermosyphon System Conclusions..

    If the tubing is snug enough, the only clamp you need is to hold the whistle in place, at the bottom, this is not a high pressure situation, flow of steam causes the whistle to operate...
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    Thermosyphon System Conclusions..

    Simple, a tube runs from slightly above the rubber seal, of the pressure cap, in the outer surface of the radiator neck, down to the bottom of the radiator, just under the sheet metal. I can't remember for sure, but my guess would be left side of rad, as you sit in the seat. Steam from an...
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    Fan shear bolts

    You can get by with a grade 3 or less bolt, but use what the mfg recommends. Could be the fan hit a rock, or got something caught between the fan and housing. A snow jam can cause it to shear, too. Some snows are wetter than others, and if ground temps are high, and you have surface melting...
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    How I fixed a runaway L260 engine

    Ether and these engines don't mix well. Fix the GP system, and stay away from ether, or you might end up with a crankcase full of shrapnel...:(
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    kubota l245dt what is this lever?

    If you look real close at the housing, you can see the lever is in H, in the photo. Shift both other levers to N, and you should be able to easily shift it to L. On my L12202, I have an aux transmission by my left elbow, that has 4 speeds on it. If you are in 1, you can get off the tractor...
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    How I fixed a runaway L260 engine

    drill and tap end of can for a grease zirk...
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    Thought I'd pass this along...

    Just a great tool, I found, for about $30. For the record, I have no financial interest in this company, nor am I advertising. Just wanted to recommend something good. I have been greasing equipment for over 35 years. If I had one of these when I started, I'd have about...
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    extra remotes

    Depends on the tractor. You can also add an aftermarket electric splitter if you have around $400, to spend...:D
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    Got a fuel system question

    Bulldog, I was following your suggestion. I didn't think it was a pump, as it isn't long enough, nor does it have any spring behind the screw, like most pumps, at least in my experience. Hope this clears up the post, somewhat...:D
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    Tractor won't start

    sounds like a bad connection, at the battery, or bad battery...:(
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    Got a fuel system question

    Thanks for the quick replies, I think I'll just screw it in finger tight, and call it good. It was so easy to bleed, that I won't tempt providence by trying to pull upwards on it.:D
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    Got a fuel system question

    Kubota L2202, ran it out of fuel today. There is a knurled nut on the injector pump, you can screw it in or out, tractor runs either way. I bled it, started it, finished smearing out the turds in the pasture, tried the screw both ways, does not make the least difference in how it runs. Is...