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B6200, Kubota 2030 Front Blade, King Cutter 60" finishing deck
Direct water to death numbers are vague and very hard to find. Industrial chemicals in ground water and cancer groups are well known but not well documented. Cover up and great lawyers.I did a search looking for reports of deaths from drinking bad water. The EPA mentions children less than 6 months old in this paragraph.
"Nitrate and nitrite are present in chemical fertilizers, human sewage, and animal waste and fertilizers. They can contaminate a private well through groundwater movement and surface water seepage and water run-off. Once taken into the body, nitrates are converted into nitrites. High levels of nitrate and nitrite are most serious for infants. High levels of nitrate/nitrite in drinking water can cause methemoglobinemia or "blue baby syndrome". These substances reduce the blood's ability to carry oxygen. This acute condition can occur rapidly over a period of days. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blueness of the skin. Infants below six months who drink water with high levels of nitrate can become seriously ill and die."
I was interested because the well at my farm is 6' in dia. laced with flat rock from top to bottom, 25' deep, and lover 100 years old . I had it tested by the EPA because I was concerned about run off from pasture and oil wells mis-managed. I can't remember the exact numbers, but when I got back to the man at the EPA he apologized for not getting back to sooner. He said "the number" was so low (in parts/ million) he justleft it on his desk.
I put a pump at the top of the well right next to the hand pump and ran water lines up to a corral with two hydrants and an automatic waterer. The water is crystal clear. I clean out the inside of the waterer every few weeks. I am sure the inside of that waterer has more :stuff" than the well. The cattle often add some slobber and grass remnants!!!
Have a friend who hauls his water and buys his drinking water. He comes with several gallon containers and fills for his drinking usage. He's been doing this for 5 years and declares it's the best water he's ever drank. Suggested I bottle and sell it!
I do have concern about safety of water. Can you point me to articles of human death caused by bad water coming directly from the ground (not lead pipes)?
I find your EPA guy saying results in low parts per million to laughable. When I left the groundwater analysis field I was looking at low part per billion and mid parts per trillion concentrations of industrial chemicals. But then again I was in industry and we could afford to have much better equipment as we wanted to stay ahead of any issues and track what damage had already been done. That was over a decade ago.
Try a search on groundwater and cancer. Some common chemicals trichloroethylene, tetrachlorethylene, benzene etc.
Check out the 80's movie Bitter Harvest. Based on a true story.