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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
It's code. This allows for clean out to be accessed from outside the home. The riser closest to the wall is the vent. The vent pipe is supposed to be at least 12" higher than the cleanouts. You can see the last cleanout in this case is a routing wye (not a 2 way cleanout). Also, the trap is not the same on both sides, inlet side has a bit more restriction than the outlet side (hard in - easy out).I'm gonna plead ignorance here and ask why three standpipes at the house. Go easy on me, because that's just not something I see done around here. I've noticed that on all your work. Is that for two separate cleanouts that will allow inserting a snake in both directions, plus some kind of vent in between? I would think the LAST thing you'd want that close to the house is a vent. Why 3, and not just 2? Is that something that is required by code in your area? Around here, you're lucky to see ONE clean-out outside near the house, and luckier still if it isn't buried. There's usually one inside where the line comes out of the house, which is apparently good enough for the codes of the time when this house was built. Is that something of your own design that gets repeat customers/work? A side view of the whole thing would be interesting to see. Is that a series of Y-T-Y fittings? I can grasp why two Y's (directing a cleanout snake), but not sure what the T in the middle would be for.
edit: and no "Tees" ever in the trap.
side view:
Then, we do add some 2 way cleanouts occasionally down the line after a significant change in direction.
You're probably used to seeing the 3" cast iron 2-hole traps. Those are a real pita to get a snake thru.
here's a pic of the one we replaced yesterday...it was a handy man special...they used Tees, unreinforced fernco bands, and the lack of stone bedding was the death nail. The left side was the inlet, right side outlet. You can see how it sunk on the right side because their was no stone base (and there was a rain leader draining into the whole area).
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