They are toys!! Adult toys that is lol. depending on the model of the machines could be up to 3000hp right thereThey look like toys!
They are toys!! Adult toys that is lol. depending on the model of the machines could be up to 3000hp right thereThey look like toys!
and whats that white stuff on the ground
one more because the night sky is awesome here tonight
View attachment 73580
Wall hanger!View attachment 73664
Sunset across the Chesapeake bay last September
Like the image, but it is difficult for my mind to interpret what the actual view might look like...with human eyes viewing as the head rotated...View attachment 75030
This is a big one. I am hoping it doesn't break the forum will have to see after It is posted. If it does will try to fix it. This is a 180 degree panorama I shot this past Saturday, 2/12/2022. It is roughly a dozen photographs taken from a Mavic 3 drone in a static location, and then stitched together. On my 3440x1440p ultrawide monitor it looks really fantastic. You really have to get the image large to see some of the detail. Just thought I would share.
EDIT: So the forums resized the image dramatically. The original image is 14,400 x 5988 pixels. It has been scaled down to about 10% of that here.