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  1. R

    PTO Speed in an HST

    Yes, PTO speed is governed by engine rpm and is independent of ground speed. Depending on model, you may have the option of running at a (set) lower engine speed and still have the PTO running @ 540 rpm. I think Kubota may call their version 'E-PTO'.
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    Strange smell

    Just keep in mind that steel wool is also a rust magnet. ;)
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    As already mentioned, run a skip bead around the working surface of the race. As it cools, the bead will contract and reduce the diameter of the race. Removal should be a piece of cake after that.
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    Buyers Beware

    Willing to bet the OP was a trolling expedition. Sadface, if your post is for real.... I too am curious about the specifics of the displeasure. Even more curious as to what brand you now feel would represent a better value.
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    Yard Grading Attachment for BX 1880

    I would use a 48" box blade with ripper teeth. If you have a gravel driveway, you will always have a use for it.
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    When is it time?

    Excellent, at least to my way of thinking. Of course, I am shopping experimental aircraft and have already been through 53 birthdays. I agree that it is important to be honest and accept when the time comes to 'hang something up'. However, I don't equate falling off a tractor with being too old...
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    Unusual old mower deck

    Well, I was no help at all! :D
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    Unusual old mower deck

    Looks to be a dedicated mulching deck. No cut-out for discharge that I can see. Cogged belts are common on decks with over lapping blades. The cogs are to keep it in time.
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    OCD and washing your tractor

    My routine is as Orangeglow does. Everything gets an air-bath after each use. Cuts down the soap and water bath to once, or maybe twice, a year. For grease smears or hydraulic oil from messing with quick-couplers, a shot of starting fluid or brake cleaner on a blue paper towel and a quick wipe...
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    Shear pin Woes on Grass Catcher

    Keep looking for the actual problem. The broken shear bolts, while frustrating, are saving you from greater grief. My Kubota bagger is still running on the bolt it came with after picking up wet leaves through two Fall seasons. I have even plugged it after filling the bags a couple times and...
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    problem areas for the RTV1100

    We have a 2009 RTV1100 with just over 1,000 hours. It has treated us very well. Other than fluids and filters, the only repairs have been CV joint boots. Some due to rot and some were victims of sticks or other sharp objects. I have no idea what issues are common on units not receiving regular...
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    Pull Behind Sprayer

    No matter how you mount it, your boom height should be the same. That height is pre-determined for proper overlap of the nozzle pattern.
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    All Good Things.........

    Sorry to hear of your loss. We lost our deer camp right about 1990. My great grandfather started it in 1919. In regards to the younger generation... Opportunity is what creates the understanding. It's the generation (or two) before them that has the responsibility of providing them with those...
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    K&W Fiberlock Kubota RTV 1140

    A big AMEN to that! It's like that old, old USPS commercial that says: "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.".
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    anti freeze question

    If you want to switch types, make sure you triple flush your system. Not all of these formulations play nice with each other. :)
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    anti freeze question

    The antifreeze seems to be the one fluid that even us who are picky will stray from the brand. The most common answer seems to be 'any Name Brand' antifreeze that is green. Then you can decide between extended -life or not.
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    Brand SPANKIN new Kubota BX1880

    Yep, call your dealer in regards to the PTO. Listen to what they say and, if nothing else, request that a record be made of the conversation. Make a note of the date and contact person for your own records. It may simply be new/tight and will wear in with use. Just no harm in making sure that...
  18. R

    2 5/16” ball with 3/4” shank???

    Love it! Big ball, little shank: Not safe on the road, bad idea, possibly no longer legal. But heck, WalMart sells them, LOL. Maybe they are trying to eliminate some of those who are on 'People of WalMart' featured on youtube? I agree that welding a 2" receiver on there is the way to go. Not...
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    RTV900 2007 braking without brake pedal

    Our 2008 RTV1100 came stock with a hand throttle. Handy for independent use of the hydraulics. In regards to the stop-o-matic ( :D ) feature, Kubota has made it less aggressive over the years. We have steep hills so I like having the engine breaking type effect. If it is just too much for your...
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    SHTF question

    Like CCR, I would hunker down (given a choice), rather than bug-out. This decision is based on our location and the available resources. My minimum list of small arms would be four. One each: a semi auto 9mm handgun, a shotgun, a CF rifle and a RF rifle. Now, if you are on the fly, it's not...