Search results

  1. Eric McCarthy

    Ob1kubota's Personal Car

    I'm not to sure but I think I've found his personal wheels!!!
  2. Eric McCarthy

    That was pretty cool!

    For a minute there I had the last word on every single post! AHAHAHAHAAH Service, Repair & Maintenance (4 Viewing) Offer your Kubota service advice, repair procedures or maintenance tips. Have a service related question? Post here. Still have serious issues... by Eric McCarthy Today 03:28 AM...
  3. Eric McCarthy

    Still have serious issues with my B6100

    I still have not quite figured out what keeps killing my battery and why it wont start without jumper cables. I know when I had first asked several months ago I had like 10 different answers. I think I might have some kinda major wiring problem. The reason why I say that is because when I went...
  4. Eric McCarthy

    More pictures of my work.

    What I have so far is the start and in the middle photos oh a huge driveway grading and repair job I'm doing for a customer. I have 24 tons of stone showing up tomorrow and I'll be back at it again in the am and the finished photos to come tomorrow evening. YEAH my lil B6100 is going to be...
  5. Eric McCarthy

    Its finally friday DATS RIGHT ITS FINALLY FRIDAY! I get kinda cranked up!!!
  6. Eric McCarthy

    Helpful Hosehold Tips

    This time of year spring is here for many of us in the world. I know here in Va we are geting hammered with pollen. It's not a bad idea to take a few minutes every so often to hose down the a/c unit out side. Give it a washing with the garden hose and knock off the pollen and grass clippings...
  7. Eric McCarthy

    My Toy Collection

    Just here are my toys I use when I go out to play.
  8. Eric McCarthy

    Landscaping Lesson 101:

    Landscaping Lesson 101: When operating self propelled equipment and you trip over a root and fall. LET GO of the controls so you don't plow under a lawn. I've still got skid marks on my chest.
  9. Eric McCarthy

    Spring has Sprung

    Well for the most of us the weather has broke and the warm weather is here, or if not on the way. What are some of the things you kids are doing these days with your Tonka toys in the dirt? Are you playing well with others and sharing your toys in the sand box. What are some of the task's and...
  10. Eric McCarthy

    This is how NOT to fix a tire

  11. Eric McCarthy

    Productive Day

    I was bored and its such a gorgeous day here in Richmond so I cranked up the tractor and tried out the finishing mower that I havent used in years. So I got to crackin on a 2 acer field behind my house which belongs to a neighbor. Hope he doesnt mind LOL. Well after a few hours of piddlin on the...
  12. Eric McCarthy

    Love it!!!

  13. Eric McCarthy

    Up Schitts Creek

  14. Eric McCarthy

    Fugly tractors

    Is it just me or are tractors today of any brand, make, model, or flavor, fuglier then sin? I mean damn they look like they fell out of the fugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I was being nosy and clicked on the link at the bottom of OTT to see what a TYM tractor looks like and damn...
  15. Eric McCarthy

    Plowing the family room

  16. Eric McCarthy

    Spider Tractor

  17. Eric McCarthy

    This new off topic area is neat!

    When did this forum area start? I never noticed it before and I think its a cool ideal so we can screw around and goof off here and keep thinks clean and simple for the guest's who pass threw the doors! Thank you Mr K!
  18. Eric McCarthy

    Another great website to bookmark!

    Most of us on here know about Tractor Supply and Agri Supply for some of our needs but I wanted to share one I kinda forgot about and some of you may or may not be aware of. Gemplers is a great website for tractor lights, cab filters, home, farm and shop supply's. I...
  19. Eric McCarthy

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    I thought this might be a fun change of pace. Wanted to see who uses their Kubota's for work and who use their's for play. When I say Work I mean those of us who use the tractor in a business such as landscaping or farming that earn a profit from the tractor. And by Play I mean those of you who...
  20. Eric McCarthy

    I see some Orange, don't know who's Orange it is!

    I think the operator of this track ho' is having a REALLY BAD DAY!