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  1. Eric McCarthy

    Sheer Tractoring Pleasure....

    WOW this sounds dreamy....
  2. Eric McCarthy

    Helpful Guide: How to measure mower blades

    I found this real helpful article online on how to accurately measure for mower blades and once you have that number you can go anywhere and purchase after market blades and save some money. Agri-supply has a huge selection of over 250,000 blades in stock that fit over 800 different makes...
  3. Eric McCarthy

    Product Testing!

    OK somehow we need to jump on the band wagon of product testing. I came across this video with one of the guys at the green thing forum and they tried out some equipment from Stihl. We need to get in on this action and not let all the green guys have all the fun...
  4. Eric McCarthy

    Missed days.

    Geez I haven't had a chance to get on here in about 2 days, so much stuff has been posted its hard to keep up with it all. Its amazing how much info pops up in a two day period.
  5. Eric McCarthy

    New logo

    I've created a new logo for my landscape business and had some help from a graphic designer to make it come to life. I think with one simple logo it pretty much says who I am and what I do. I'm having a dozen of these made up in t-shirts. Should look really great, I can't wait. I'm like a kid...
  6. Eric McCarthy

    91 year old legend!

    This guy is my new hero. At 91 years old he's still operating heavy equipment for a living. That's awesome!!!
  7. Eric McCarthy

    Half Sized

    This is totally awesome. A fellow named Fred Heim has built half sized scale models of a Peterbilt road tractor, a lowboy, a dump trailer. Also a half size Cat D8 dozer and a Cat excavator all made from WOOD! Most of them are functioning, moving pieces either with a motor or radio controlled...
  8. Eric McCarthy

    Lasers pointed at Air Planes.

    There is a growing problem in my neck of the woods with people pointing lasers at air planes flying over head. The laser can blind the pilot and can be very detrimental to the pilot when they loose their vision and it could turn fatal. Not to mention the fact that this pilot in the video is my...
  9. Eric McCarthy

    Smoke Signals

    Here's a pretty easy understanding of what the various colors of smoke coming out of a diesels exhaust means.
  10. Eric McCarthy

    Possible Color Change.

    I'd hate to do it but it looks like I have no other choice and if all goes according to plan, or atleast how I wish it would turn out and go. I might be selling my B6100 this weekend and going after a Ford 1600 with a loader I found on Craigslist. I've searched high and low for a bigger Kubota...
  11. Eric McCarthy

    Volatage regulator

    Well here goes nothing. I swung by my dealer today and picked up a voltage regulator for my B6100. $92 and change for that device which fits in the palm of my hand. Doubled checked with the dealer to see if I needed anything else to replace and they seem to think between a new battery and the...
  12. Eric McCarthy

    Automotive Painting.

    I wanted to ask around and find out which would be the best way to remove paint on my pickup. It's mostly factory white from 1988 but my genius father when he owned the truck put whatever white paint he had around on the truck. And I'm talking about sprayed on by a rattle can from Rustolium, or...
  13. Eric McCarthy

    Kubota B6100E For Sale

    I have a Kubota B6100E 14hp diesel that I'm looking to sell/trade and upgrade for something larger with a front end loader. I do not know the hours of operation because a hour meter was an option at time of purchase new and I bout it used 10 years ago. I'm looking to trade the tractor and four...
  14. Eric McCarthy

    D650 alternator

    Time for me to quit putting it off and get things done. I need to fix the alternator on my tractor. I think I've mentioned it before and some people have said I can replace the bearings in the alternator and make it like new again. Is that so or should I have it rebuilt by a professional? Where...
  15. Eric McCarthy

    Peep Show!

    Take a sneak peek here at the new models for 2013!
  16. Eric McCarthy

    A walk back in time

    I do appreciate tractors of all sorts even the vintage ones. And I must admit I'd go back in time and buy a Ford tractor from this man! Its a really neat video showing the Ford Jubilee and all the modern advances for the tractor of its time
  17. Eric McCarthy

    To funny not to share!

    4 guys sitting around having drinks and one of the men had to use the restroom. The three others talked about their kids. The first guy said, "my son is my pride and joy he started working at a company at the bottom. He studied business and began to climb the corporate ladder, became president...
  18. Eric McCarthy

    Yours truly is a celebrity!

    A month or so ago I had the chance to star in a music video for a great local band who is starting to make their own kind of music. They have been a cover band for quite sometime and are slowly starting to do their own thing. Rosie Soul and the Rock And Roll Cowboys first ever music video...
  19. Eric McCarthy

    Father of the Year

    I saw this video back in February when it first went viral. We need more fathers like Tommy Jordan who got back at his 15 year old daughter for mouthing off about her parents on Facebook.
  20. Eric McCarthy

    Snowblower for FEL

    I was reading threw my latest copy of a landscape magazine and noticed an ad for a snow blower that mounts to the lift arms of a FEL. Sheyenne Tooling makes the product and I thought I'd pass it along to you gents incase anyone else wanted to take a looksee at it...