Search results

  1. Eric McCarthy

    A swift kick in the....

    This person needs a swift kick in the rear for destroying a Kubota like this and painting it green! I think I feel a little light headed and sick to my stomach!
  2. Eric McCarthy


    Well here it is 1:08am on the 21st, and hour into the day the world was supposed to "end" again. I guess the Mayans missed the mark on that one. You'd think if they could predict the future they wouldn't be extinct!:D
  3. Eric McCarthy

    Two words

    Scarlett Madison WWWOOOOWWWW...... I have officially drooled all over my laptop and I think I ruined the keyboard!
  4. Eric McCarthy

    Green weakling

    So I was helping my dad dig up some bushes along side the house today and he borrowed his brothers John Deere 990 with a fel and backhoe on a subframe. It is one weak tractor for a 40hp machine. The JD dug the bushes up with marginal results but I reckon its better then a shovel and a pick axe...
  5. Eric McCarthy

    Rubber Tire Chains

    I was flipping threw my latest landscape magazine and saw an ad in there for these handy dandy rubber tire chains that wont scratch your driveway or side walk. I thought I'd pass along the info since some members come on here asking about chains. They seem to be reasonable priced...
  6. Eric McCarthy

    You can't fix stupid.

    So apparently this gal in Fargo ND is concerned about the safety of deer's and wants to relocate the deer crossing sings to a less populated area because as you all know deer just happen to run across the roads right where the signs are posted...
  7. Eric McCarthy

    Useful Tip!

    Earlier tonight I was surfing the net trying to find an alternator for my tractor. I had forgot you can now pull up part numbers from Kubota's website. I took the part number and put it into Google's search bar and with the number alone it gave me a few dealers online selling the part and showed...
  8. Eric McCarthy

    Parts parts and more parts over 1.4 million

    I've been seeing their ad for Jacks Small Engine in a landscape magazine I subscribe to for quite sometime and tonight their ad pops up on Facebook so I thought I'd check out the web site. They seem to have a ton of stuff they say over 1.4million parts in stock and ready to ship. I myself have...
  9. Eric McCarthy

    Some more of my many talents

    I made this dog bone tombstone for a girl friend of mine who's pride an joy pittbull Champ had passed away back on Fathers day of this year. In a conversation with my girlfriend she was telling me that she wanted to make some sorta marker for her beloved dog but wasn't sure how. So my gears were...
  10. Eric McCarthy

    Bucket List

    I'm really not sure how I came across this website but I've had it booked marked in my favourite section for quite some time. Its the Great Nebraska Tractor ride. A huge two day tractor ride even covering about 150 miles threw the back roads of Nebraska. Seems like there's tractors from every...
  11. Eric McCarthy

    Going Overboard

    I've been reading alot about the history of tractor companies and it seems that there's alot of "parent" companies out there with a ton of smaller "sister" companies that they produce. I've known for a while that Ford tractors purchased New Holland in 1985 and then selling under the label Ford...
  12. Eric McCarthy

    Kubota B6100E looking to trade

    Kubota B6100E FOR SALE/TRADE! I have a Kubota B6100E 14hp diesel that I'm looking to sell/trade and upgrade for something larger with a front end loader. I do not know the hours of operation because a hour meter was an option at time of purchase new and I bout it used 10 years ago. I'm looking...
  13. Eric McCarthy

    Damn fine cigar.

    Well my birthday was Monday and my tasty present from my brother arrived in the mail today. So I opened the box and grabbed a stooge and puffed away. Best damn cigar I've smoked in a while. If any of your orange brothers out there enjoy fine cigars try out Hot Ash Girls. The one I enjoyed this...
  14. Eric McCarthy

    Dodge owners

    The Dodge Ram 1500 is the fourth-generation Dodge Ram, and has been in production since 2009. Combined with all other Dodge Ram models, domestic 2011 sales reached 156,900. While the trucks’s unit sales are far more than the rest of the vehicles on this list, they are far less than its own total...
  15. Eric McCarthy

    I coulden't control myself

    My dealer posted this video on the website about a few new models of Kubota's from their big boy toys line up!
  16. Eric McCarthy

    Car wreck

    I'm posting this picture in as many places as I can in hopes that people will put their phones down and stop texting or talking on them. This 17 year old girl is damn lucky to be alive after hitting an SUV head on. This was a car I picked up from a accident this afternoon that I scooped up in...
  17. Eric McCarthy

    How Kubotas are made {video}

    My dealer Cavalier International posted this video on their Facebook page about the Kubota assembly plant in Gainsville Ga. Pretty neat...
  18. Eric McCarthy

    Comdom commerical

    This has got to be about the funniest damn thing I've seen on Youtube in a while! Kinda risqué but hell we're all adults here!
  19. Eric McCarthy

    Made a believer out of me, fuel additive!

    I am now a firm believer and will back this product up! I had a backpack leaf blower from Stihl that I have not had running in 2 years. Plus I added this fuel treatment into the tank of 2 year old gas just to see what it would do. After I took off and squirted the spark plug with starter fluid...
  20. Eric McCarthy

    Check your drivers license!!!

    CheckYourDriver'sLicense I already removed mine. I suggest you all do the same. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks Homeland Security! Go to the web site, and check it out. It's...