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  1. Eric McCarthy

    I love this place!!! Thank you

    I wanted to say many thanks to the masterminds behind this awesome forum. A few days ago I finally spent some money and had my tractor tire's liquid filled, not bad for 50 bucks. I also was looking over the site and I saw where Vic made a video on how to push snow with a blade. It never dawned...
  2. Eric McCarthy

    Home made cab or torture chamber? Just for fun

    Off the topic but I found this picture of a zero turn mower with either a home made cab or some kinda torture chamber on it, not sure which but I thought yall might get a chuckle out of this one!
  3. Eric McCarthy

    Sings of when to replace a clutch?

    I've been looking back on past articles about when to replace a clutch and I'm still a bit lost. The clutch petal on my B6100E seems like it has to go down real far to shift direction or speed. The B6100E has a 6 forward 2 reverse transmission and it's only in 5th gear do I get a little bit of...
  4. Eric McCarthy

    Home made Zamboni video

    I was on YouTube looking for a video of what a grader scraper looks like in action and on the sidebar a home made zamboni video caught my eye more then anything else. SO I had to click on it out of curiosity and I thought it would be neat to share and its related to OTT in a way because the man...
  5. Eric McCarthy

    PARTY @ KUBOTA DEALER {off topic}

    Today like in the years past my local Kubota dealer {which thankfully for me is right up the street from me about 12 miles or so} held their annual Customer Appreciation Day. This is their 29th year of holding this event, which consists of all you can eat hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch, all...
  6. Eric McCarthy

    Websites for tires and wheels

    I thought Id passlong this information on here to all those looking for tire and wheels. Ive got these ads from a landscape magazine in the mail. OTR Wheel Engineering Inc. 1-800-833-6309 McCord Flotation Tire Sales and Service 1-800-348-2396
  7. Eric McCarthy

    4 wheel drive or not?

    I've been sort of confused for years about FWD on tractors. I hear all the time that with 4 wheel drive the tractor has a greater draw bar horsepower and can pull down a house, but over use of the 4 wheel drive can break the front axle in half. A few years ago I used to drive trucks for a local...
  8. Eric McCarthy

    3 speed pto

    I've always wanted to know what is the reason for Kubota putting a 3 speed pto on some tractors? My B6100 has a 3 speed and I dont think I've ever used #2 or #3, I did one time played with the #2 speed and it scared the hell out of me and didnt want to try the 3rd speed. If I rememeber correctly...
  9. Eric McCarthy

    Moving the Earth

    My father has a book called Moving the Earth. It's a fantastic book to read for tractor operation, loader work, and general dirt working and earth moving tips and trick's. Yes its a little pricey at around $100 for a book. But I rememebr reading the first edition and have learned alot of very...
  10. Eric McCarthy

    How popular are sub-compacts???

    I have been trying for two years to sell my Kubota B6100E to upgrade and get something a little larger like a L175 or L185 for example. And I can't seem to find anyone who would be inclined to buy mine. I have talked to the dealer and the salesman said they dont last long on the lot, everone...
  11. Eric McCarthy

    Weather proofing tip and beating the elements.

    My father and I just recently discovered that plastic drop in bed liners work fantastic to cover your tractor with. And best of all they are free. My dad is one of those types who doesn't throw away alot and if its free its better. So he was able to get ahold of several bed liners free from a...
  12. Eric McCarthy

    Something keeps killing my battery!

    I have a Kubota B6100E and something keeps killing my battery. I went to the dealer and asked the shop foreman what it could be and he told me he has never heard of a tractor doing what mine does. I can put on a brand new battery, charge one or jump start it off my truck and the tractor will...