Search results

  1. Eric McCarthy

    Kubota L175

    I've found a really nice Kubota L175 across the mountains from me, about 4 hours away and its a decent price. I was seeing if anybody out where in OTT land has a L175 with a FEL on it. The one I'm looking at does not have one, but if and when I get my hands on it I'd like to install a FEL. I...
  2. Eric McCarthy

    Heavy duty thinking!

    I have a potential buyer for my tractor and all the attachments. I've been kicking around the idea of selling mine to upgrade to a larger tractor with a front end loader. Being broke kinda sucks because I was tryin to sell mine and replace it right away with a larger tractor. And not have to...
  3. Eric McCarthy

    Auto Parts HELP!!!

    I was wondering if I could get some of you fine gents to help me find some parts I need for my truck, which I'm having a hard time locating here on in Richmond. I have a 1988 Chevy 3500 one ton truck and I need the steering knuckles for the front axle. I learned a lesson in life from the...
  4. Eric McCarthy

    Yellow break pedals

    Just curious as to why Kubota has yellow break pedals on early B series tractor? Pretty much every B series tractor I've seen weather it was a grey market or a U.S. model has yellow break pedals and I've always wondered why that is. Does anybody happen to know?
  5. Eric McCarthy

    Kubota good deed for the day

    I was at work today hauling a load of cinder blocks to one of our customers who lived back in the woods on a few acers of land and owns a Kubota L2850. I noticed his front end was up in the air and that he had a jack stand under the front axle. So I lent him a hand mounting his front tire back...
  6. Eric McCarthy

    Hillside mowing!

    I've noticed alot lately that some of you folks are concerned about mowing on a hillside with their tractor and worried about rolling over. I'd like to suggest maybe look into purchasing a Toro mid-size walk behind. The Toro walk behind is one of the toughest mowers I've ever owned and use in my...
  7. Eric McCarthy

    Its not Orange, but its just AWESOME!

    I was at a job site today and saw this mind blowing excavator moving around. I managed to remember the name of it which is Menzi Muck. It's a Swiss made all-terrain excavator. By all-terrain I mean ALL-TERRAIN! There's a video on the website where this thingie is sitting on the side of a...
  8. Eric McCarthy

    Middle Buster

    Every so often I come across a job where someone would like me to tear up some dirt and build a garden bed to plant veggies and such in. Owning a landscape business on the side I cant afford to pass up on a chance to make money but on the other hand I get asked to till up a garden every so...
  9. Eric McCarthy

    Stream line!

    I think maybe we can stream line and thin down some of the topic boards. 9 topics to post to and read from is a bit much to keep up with. I like how we originally had "tractor implement and operation" as one thread. I think maybe you could move Tires and Wheels to the Buying Advise thread. Just...
  10. Eric McCarthy

    Iiimmmm bbbaaaccckkkk!!!!

    Well kids I are back after a long pain in the ass fight with my laptop! Keep getting viruses that jack up and screw my laptop up bad. Also been busy truckin up and down the highways with work. After a slow painful winter things have picked up and I've been going gangbusters truckin between 800...
  11. Eric McCarthy

    Oh happy day!

    A friend of mine posted this You Tube video link on his Facebook page and it brought a tear to my eye! For the first time there's a Kubota tractor in this cute, funny music video. Pretty funny!
  12. Eric McCarthy

    Dear Santa I've been a good boy!

    Dear Santa I swear I've been a good boy this year. Can you find room to fit this in your toy sac for me this year? I promise I'll continue to be good!
  13. Eric McCarthy

    Goose Neck Hitch

    Now that I am the proud parent of an 88 Chevy one ton turd. I am looking for an affordable goose neck hitch to place in the bed. I was glancing over the National Trailer Supply website and I got kinda confused looking at it. I'm looking basic inexpensive hitch and not really sure what to get. My...
  14. Eric McCarthy

    Fishing woes....

    Wanted to find out how many people are having a hard time catching fish in the waters this year or is it just us who are having problems in Virginia USA. I've been several times this year salt water fishing and usually go with a group of people and nobody seems to catch anything in the bay. I'm...
  15. Eric McCarthy


    Well I am being nosy and seeing who on here has a Facebook page. Feel free to hit me up on Facebook and send out a friends request. Send me a quick message though so I know who's who. I just know yall from here by screen names on OTT. You can see some of my day to day stupid shenanigans on...
  16. Eric McCarthy

    Im back!!!!!

    Yeah my laptop went south on me yet AGAIN. I reckon it must have fixed itself over time cause I damn sure didnt do a thing to fix it. Oh and I FINALLY got a job after a year of not having one back in a tractor trailer, truckin it up and down the highways!
  17. Eric McCarthy

    Bushhog, Gearbox or spindle.

    I have a slight booboo with my bush hog and I'm not sure if I need to replace the entire gear box or just a spindle. It took a helluva hit a while back and the bush hog wobbles like crazy all over the place. I looked underneath there today and I could grab the stump jumper and shake the entire...
  18. Eric McCarthy

    How to stop traffic!

    Yeah that was a dirty trick putting an empty money envelope on the trailer hitch and riding around town all after noon with it back there. That kinda pissed off alot of drivers when they tried to pull me over after they saw me laughing my ass off.
  19. Eric McCarthy

    You might be a Redneck if.....

    Your tractor has air horns! LOVE IT, why didnt I think of this sooner.
  20. Eric McCarthy

    Useful Charts!