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    B6100E B48 Mower Deck Restore

    Some more pics Big Kahuna
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    B6100E B48 Mower Deck Restore

    Wanted to Restore my B48 Mower Deck, I bought it used about 12 years ago and did tear down and repaint but the paint on the deck just didn't last like it should, so I decided to tear it down again and sand blast everything right this time, I used Hammerite paint (GOLD) on the entire deck and top...
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    kubota paint fade

    Liquid Glass is my personal favorite on faded dull kubota paint, I personally used it on 2 tractors I bought and you just cant believe the results. Big Kahuna
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    Picked up Gray Market tractor today

    ps is the symbol for pferdestärke, which is German for horsepower. The symbol ps is used in both the German and Japanese markets. pferdestarke is the same as metric horsepower, or I should say ps is the symbol for metric horsepower. Big Kahuna Nice tractor, 4...
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    B7200 Loader Valve

    Take a look at my post of the B219 loader I just rebuilt this year, I found the pin and linkage at Mcmaster-Carr. Big Kahuna
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    B series electrical question

    Yes, all my pto clutches are fused with a 10 amp fuse and I have never had a problem. and make sure all your fuses are good because they will cause problems. Big Kahuna I'm glad I could help you.:D
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    B7100 HST 4X4 Front wheel locking - Need Help

    :DGlad to see the ol' 7100 back-up and running, great job! Big Kahuna
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    help removing front electric clutch pack

    Big Kahuna says, Have part number will get what is needed, keep old orange running many years. Big Kahuna restoring K-48 mower deck right now off B6100E, mower deck was made by International Harvester and driven by front PTO which I believe was also done by IH. Big Kahuna...
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    B7100HST and Land Pride tiller RTR0542, Help!

    Jhoss your tractor has pto shaft part #66204-14710 and cover #66706-12210 the pto that should have been used is part# 66706-14710 and cover is #67211-12212 it shows a break in the serial numbers at 20045 on a B7100HST E 2 wheel drive but that shaft is showen in my parts list and I don't know...
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    help removing front electric clutch pack

    Coil assembley part # 70090-00103, ran this number thru Messicks, still a good number at $93.28 Let me know if you need anything else on part numbers or diagrams I have them. Big Kahuna
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    Kubota B5100E front end loader

    You are looking for a B211 loader for your tractor, I would take the time to find the one that fits your model of tractor, believe me it's worth it, look at my post of the B219 I rebuilt, $1500 and some TLC and I got myself a "new" loader..........that bolted right on and works perfect...
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    Tiny-tach for B7001

    6 mm .243 Big Kahuna
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    Mower deck cleaning

    Well it's getting that time of the year to put the mower decks away,other than cleaning the underside do you do something else? I tried mower deck graphite spray, does not work, I tried painting, also does not last. What about POR 15, anyone try this? or Hammerite paint? it's pretty tough stuff...
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    Old Type vs. New Type B7100HST

    Welcome to OTT. I have both series of HST, a 1981 and 1992 only minor changes between them and it looks like yours is a 1981 same as mine. Big Kahuna
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    4X4indicator Mod #2

    That is nice !!!!!!!!!!! Super job. Big Kahuna
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    B6100e Lift Arm

    Just recieved my upgrade kit on Monday, the difference on the "old style" is that they were bolted when clamping to the spline, the "new style" is that they have a roll pin holding them on the spline, the bolted ones give out in time. Big Kahuna
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    L175 Restore Thread

    Stumpy, waiting to see some more on your 175, just love it so far !!!! Big Kahuna
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    help,cant find front drive shaft for loader pump

    Hello, Do you have the operators manual with the part number in It, I post the front cover of one, sorry I don't have the rest. What do you need exactly, please post a pic of the old one. I would like to help you out. Big Kahuna
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    new fel more pics

    Super nice job Ripper !!!!!!!!!!!!!