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  1. B

    B7100 tph won't work now

    Hey Stephens, you answered your question, the system you have is open, and when you use the plow it taps in and uses the pressure, there for it must keep flowing, make yourself a little connector line for the pressure keeps going, because you will blow the pump and that wont be cheap. Don't...
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    New B7100 owner with some hydrostatic tranny problems

    You're thinking on the right track, pick up screen dirty, wrong oil, make sure the cooler up front is not blocked, my need to go to the radiator shop and get cleaned. I have 2 of these and they are like tanks, one whines a little more than the other but both run good...
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    B6100 2wd Driveshaft - How to Remove?!?!

    There is a ball joint assembly just before it goes into the transmission, it's held in place by a pin, maybe when the clutch was done the pin was not installed with it's retainer? I can scan the parts book and send it to you to see the full assembly, but I still think you'll be splitting the...
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    B6100 2wd Driveshaft - How to Remove?!?!

    Sorry to tell you but splitting the tractor would be the only way to get at it. Why do you think it's bad? Big Kahuna
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    Help with Loader for B7100

    I really like factory attachments, I bought my loader 2 years ago and rebuilt the entire unit and it works GREAT, I have yet to wrench on it since been on the tractor. Big Kahuna
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    Oil Leak

    Makes you feel GREAT! Big Kahuna
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    Mower deck under coating ?

    Hey check out my thread...........B6100E B48 Mower Deck Restore Nice deck! Big Kahuna
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    Oil Leak

    Welcome, First thing I'd do is give her a good pressure washing if you can and clean her up, my 6100E dribbles oil onto the mower deck frame work for at least 15 years, it's really not as bad as it sounds. I pressure wash in the fall when I put it away and we are all clean again, why go looking...
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    New to me B5100E

    $1900 for what you got, now that's a deal. Big Kahuna
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    What RPM?

    Wide open, that's what the dealer told us years ago and it works. Big Kahuna
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    Purging New Hyd Cyl

    Your reservoir has a breather to let the air out. Big Kauna
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    hydraulic question on b7100 hst

    Yes your tractor has a open system. Big Kahuna
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    A little help with my "new" B7100DT

    The bucket. Big Kahuna
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    A little help with my "new" B7100DT

    Nice idea Lil Foot Big Kahuna:D
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    B6100 3 point questions

    Are you running Hytrans fluid or gear oil? I'd adjust it and see what happens, I do remember years ago I adjusted mine, I only mow with it now so it don't bother me if it's slow in the winter. Great little tractor, mines 34 years old this year, been in the family since new...
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    B6100 3 point questions

    Control flow knob? are you talking about the blue one under the seat on the right side when sitting on the tractor, that's for external pressure it won't do anything for the 3 point, it's cold where you're at, temp does play a part, my 6100E is SLOW going down in this Penna. weather, but anyhow...
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    Another B7100

    Any other color under the orange paint? Big Kahuna
  18. B

    A little help with my "new" B7100DT

    Welcome and good deal! Take a look at my post last year for 219 rebuild, I have pictures posted and it will help you out with the plumbing which is WRONG ? as for the glow plug indicator, it slowly changes to orange when preheating, might take a minute or 2, and no cover over the hole, it...
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    Another B7100

    I still think it's aftermarket but with so many back then selling it might be hard to find out unless someone else on OTT has one with some back ground. I remember a company by the name Danko that made attachments and Johnson, Woods both making loaders and Arps did Kubota's 219. I like to see...
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    Another B7100

    I think it's an aftermarket set up for an external pump is you wanted it that way. and the tractor would be early 80's not 78 since they didn't build hydro's 7100 till 80