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    B6100e Clutch or Driveline Issue... HELP!

    Now you know where, that's good. Big Kahuna
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    B6100e Clutch or Driveline Issue... HELP!

    Upon looking at the parts book I would say propeller shaft to the ball coupler with hooks up to input shaft in tranmission, somewhere in there is the problem ? Having a B6100E for 33 years and never having this problem I have to go with when the clutch R/R was done something did not get tight or...
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    How do I tell which mowing deck I have?

    Good day fellow member, your mower deck is a RC40-42 rear discharge. Kubota belt part # A-70713-34770 size 5/8 X 84" I would use no heat, just block the blades and a breaker bar or impact will take them off, don't use the Allen hex on the center bolt, you get a better bite with a socket. Nice...
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    B6100e Clutch or Driveline Issue... HELP!

    Sounds like when the clutch was put in 7 years ago something didn't get tighted like it should of and now has worked loose? I would take the inspection cover off on the right side and look at the clutch just to be sure, but it sounds like if you have PTO movement your problem is in transmission...
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    G5200 Fuel Pump???

    Did you change the fuel filters? Notice I said filters, a pre filter down behind the right back wheel and the one by the engine. The clicking sound is correct telling you it's running, how's the fuel pressure, pull the line off by the engine and turn the key. I changed the pump about 3 years...
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    B7100 hst

    Well fellow OTT members what do you think of my $2500.00 kubota? Yep that's right, bought it off of eBay in July, put 2 new front tires on it and some good old TLC. 1864 Hours on it, now to find a mower deck for the old girl, an RC6071B, if you got one let me know...
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    RC60-71B Mid mount mower deck LOW PRICE

    Any thoughts on shipping this item? Thanks Big Kahuna
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    new user, B7100 question

    $2500..............are we there yet? Deal, you should buy if you want one. Big Kahuna
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    L260 Loader "Slop"

    Mr Precision, sounds like my B219 I just rebuilt, the loader would drift?????? I had a broken spring in the controls and also got a owners manual which it states that the left lever must be pulled back and released for it to find home. It is not a self centering spool valve like the right side...
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    B7100 HST won't start

    Battery will do this. Big Kahuna
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    New FEL

    Lookin good Ripper 1000 Big Kahuna
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    in line fuses 12V 3A/5A for B6100E

    I have them, send me your address and I'll mail you some. Big Kahuna
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    Finally a B7100!

    Part Number 70050-00123. seal rebuild kit. $16.64 Made by ARPS for Kubota, real easy to repair. Messicks is the place for Kubota parts, just ask them for help, they're great. Big Kahuna
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    Kubota B7100 HST

    Well just picked up another Orange Power yesterday, a 1992 B7100 HST 4WD with 1864 hours on a working meter. Got it off eBay for $2524.99, yes that's right, just when we all thought eBay was replaced by Craigslist you can still get a deal. Needs some TLC but runs fine and moves around great...
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    B-219 rebuild

    Thats the end of the pictures, now it's time to get it dirty!!!!!!!!!!! Big Kahuna
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    B-219 rebuild

    Pics taken today July 1 2012
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    B-219 rebuild

    Pics taken today July 1 2012
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    B-219 rebuild

    Pics taken today July 1 2012
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    B-219 rebuild

    Kubota B7100 HST B-219 loader rebuild It was 6 months to the day that I bought this loader from fellow OTT member Tillithunder, all before pictures are from him and I need to give credit to him. It was a cold New Years Eve day that I went out and got this, now after I'm done with it sure does...
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    Kubota engineering really bad screw up

    Butch what you're looking for is a rotary union, you could put a grease line out and fasten it solid while the union rotates with the shaft, they are not cheap but solve the problem. Go to Mcmaster-Carr and just type in rotary union. as for metric threads Parker has metric sizes...