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    B7100 oil pressure specs

    My B6100 did the same thing about 3 years ago, everybody had me in a panic that it was the plug on the end of the cam, it was not. I checked oil pressure at the sending units location and it read 50 lbs cold 1/2 throttle,let it run for 30 minutes and down to an idle it read 12 lbs, replaced the...
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    G6200 found it bought it

    I love to see these kind of deals and what a little hard work can get you! Big Kahuna
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    Transmission/Hydraulic Problem B6100D

    I think Vic's got this one solved. Big Kahuna
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    Front pto

    I don't think I ever seen or herd of just the shaft. You could always just plumb it in the tractors hydrualics, it would be slow but would still work. Big Kahuna P.S. Hey some FEL's are listed for sale that fit your tractor on OTT, check them out.
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    Front pto

    What do you mean ? clarify please. Big Kahuna
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    Front pto

    Ripper 1000, How can they be obsolete???????? I just ordered them 3 months ago, I just reran the numbers, here's the price for each item.......... go to Messicks and get them. Your tractor has the 18X22 spline, this is correct, the upgrade to the larger 30mm spline was done in the early 1980's...
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    Front pto

    Wow, you're in luck, I just put the finishing touches on rebuilding a B219 FEL that fits my tractor B7100HST, I know it's hard finding one. Well here's the numbers and yes they are still available, just bought new chains and the gear to drive my pump. Any help you need just drop me a line...
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    B6100 throttle reversed?

    Welcome to OTT. I have a 1979 B6100E bought new and when you pull back it gets more fuel, I also have a1983 B7100 which is opposite of the 6100, I would say they made some changes over the years, I know my 6100 is not cut out for the oil filter on the side cover, finally after about 15 years I...
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    Sweet little orange power, Love them old ones! Big Kahuna
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    What can you tell me about this B7100 (Is it a HST model, what's the value?)

    Score, more like the mother load! Thats GREAT. Big Kahuna
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    What can you tell me about this B7100 (Is it a HST model, what's the value?)

    Wow just that fact that you've been warned that an "inexperienced operator" damaged the clutch throws the red flag up, how do you do this? Whats up with the oil leaks and water leaks? did it get hot? You know to do the clutch you must split the tractor, if your doing this yourself then money is...
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    Newbie Piecing Together Belly Mower

    I think rebuilding what you have is a start, the bearings and seals are nothing special,take the belt off and see what you need, you might have one bad bearing with it, if the shell is not rusted out, which it don't look like it, then it's rebuildable. The key to dealers is some just want to...
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    Hydraulics.... HELP

    B-219 loader ? Cessna control valve has a domed cover on the back of the valve body, take cover off and see if spring is broke. Let me know what you find, I just rebuilt one a few weeks ago and have extra seals if you need them,very easy control to work on. Big...
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    getting a 88 b8200

    Wow super nice! you lucky guy. Big Kahuna
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    Log splitter

    Thank You MagKarl and Piker for the support of a screw type splitter, Kubota did provide a shut down lever to the engine so if trouble happened you could stop, I myself still use it and it's just common sense, look at the old "Buzz saw" flat belt drive, heated many houses in it's day...
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    WTB B-348-7 mower deck parts

    Wow a good old 348 mower, made by Hesston for Kubota, used Browning pulleys with the taper lock hubs also the bearings standard mount 2 bolt with locking eccentric cams on the bearings all 1 inch in diameter, very tough mower, mowed a ton of grass with one. Big Kahuna
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    B7100 Not Starting

    Are you sure glow plugs are heating? When was it run last? Big Kahuna
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    B7100 Not Starting

    More information please? how did this happen? Turning over ? trying to fire? Big Kahuna
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    B7100HST (new model) pedal sticks in forward

    Take the cover off over the transmission where the filter is located and lubricate the "cruise control" linkage as well as the pedal linkage, I use Permatex "Superlube" don't to forget to grease the foot pedal pivot, it has a grease fitting. as for your over heating, Kubota makes a high suction...
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    Log splitter

    Not enough of hydrualic power for a log splitter, I have a Kubota corkscrew splitter that works great and is run off the rear pto. Big Kahuna