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  1. 2

    My Kubota tractor won't go into gear

    If no success after adjusting the clutch and if the tractor is used intermittently. It's possible the clutch is rusted to the flywheel and thus not releasing when the pedal is depressed. I had this happen to me on a JD 750 (about same vintage as your B8200). At the time I wasn't aware the...
  2. 2

    B2320 HST 200 hr service cost

    Here's the filter kit and price below: Kubota: Kubota B-20 Series Filter Kit Part Number 77700-03365 Vendor Kubota Messick's Price $100.99 Stock Quantity 6 Models •B2320HSD •B2620HSD •B2920HSD
  3. 2

    Broken Antenna

    Glad to hear the OP found a solution. In an effort who might have a similar problem, below is a link that might be of some help to others.
  4. 2

    Removing battery from L4330

    I checked the WSM and didn't see anything special instructions pertaining to battery removal. The tractor used in the WSM photos made it look pretty straight forward to remove the battery. Is it possible to loosen/remove the AC accumulator from its bracket, so the hose going across the battery...
  5. 2

    Oil screen and drain

    Attached you'll find two drawings from Kubota's website that might help answer your question. One is for the engine and the other the transmission. Hope this helps and report back what you find.
  6. 2

    Which linear actuator for snowblower chute mod?

    With respect to OP's comment about IP rating. This was taken from: IP Ratings - what they mean. IP Rated Enclosures - quick find chart A number replaced by x indicates that the enclosure is not rated for that spec. First Digit...
  7. 2

    Cannot find front wheel disc

    There are two possible options from your dealer. From Parts Counter: (This would be rim only) 40 ASSY WHEEL *** ASSY WHEEL 35999-13670 $378.13 5-7 business days 1 MR8955AR (used Messick's website to find info) From Tractor Sales or Wholegoods 2016 price list: (This would be rim and tire...
  8. 2

    L3130 hydraulic hose

    Did you check with your local Kubota dealer? I think the ones you need are under $25. I've bought some hoses from the dealer and had a few made up in the past. Really didn't see much difference in price one way or the other.
  9. 2

    B8200 rear wheel replacement, HELP

    Looked up the rim part number using B8200 with 12.4-16 tire option. Wheel P/N: 34219-27950 but this has been replaced by 66418-27950 which Messick's shows as costing $352.28 and has the description W11x16. WARNING: The Parts Drawings shows the same wheel P/N for both this tire size and the...
  10. 2

    Replacing Front Tires Only?

    Wholegoods: Are items sold through the good folks that sale the tractors and not the parts counter. It seems strange to ask a sales person for tire/wheel, but this is how it works. I had a dealer that if you went to the parts counter and asked for a tire and wheel already mounted they would...
  11. 2

    How do I know which attachments fit a B2650?

    FYI... Sent private message
  12. 2

    B2650 Won't Keep Running Acts Like Not Getting Fuel?

    Here's the Power Service biocide: I've seen it at my local Tractor Supply.
  13. 2

    Hydro Filter Change

    I usually modify the existing drain plugs to accept a rare earth magnet (many times stronger than regular magnet). The one in the picture is for my JD Gator, but I've done the same for the Kubota.
  14. 2

    WTB: ROPS for B7100

    Along the same lines as the link above, here's where you can type in your model and serial number.
  15. 2

    Hard to push L5740HSTC in my shop, hyd float question

    Float is controlled by the joystick. Need to push it forward past the detent and it will lock into place. This action is similar to what's necessary if you have a FEL and want to bucket to float. Can't answer the hard to push question.
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    Front wheel Bolts Seized and stripped question??

    If the hub threads are suspect, I'd suggest fixing with Heli-coil or something similar. This isn't the size needed, but gives an idea what they are if not familiar.
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    Mid mount mower gearbox issue

    Just curious. Did you ever service the gear box (oil change)? From the photos it looks like it was dry inside.
  18. 2

    which diesel fuel is best?

    I see Skeet's lives in PA, therefore the spread between On-road and Off-road diesel is a lot more than 20 cents/gal. State tax alone is a $0.75 per gallon, so it can add up. If there are two pumps at a station. One selling diesel at $2.75 and the other is $2.00. Which one do you pick? Below is...
  19. 2

    2 drain plugs for hydralic fluid on L4400

    It is used to check for condensate or other liquids. Oil shouldn't be here unless one of the seals is leaking. I wouldn't plug it. If oil is leaking it could contaminate the clutch. The plunger shouldn't be bent either, but not certain I'd worry about it.
  20. 2

    Hooks - welded/bolted to FEL Bucket

    I just noticed this sticker attached to my FEL. With this sticker coming from the factory, it's understandable why a dealer would refuse to add hooks. I'm not saying I agree with it though...