Search results

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    Rubber tire chains for dirt work

    I have rubber tire chains on turf tires, but only use them in the winter months mostly for snow blowing on steep inclines. I'm happy with them and how long they lasted (6 years and no issues). My neighbor keeps his mounted all the time on his B9200 w/Turfs. This would be over rocks, in the...
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    Need to Know- Model/Series of Kubota Engine

    Here's some other info in the event you don't already have it.
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    Head gasket issues D 902 E3

    1. Are you certain an o-ring is called for? Don't see it in the cylinder head drawing. (See 1st attachment) 2. Can the head bolts be reused multiple times or are they torque to yield? Added in Edit: Might want to double check the WSM. I couldn't find a WSM manual online, but found one for...
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    buying transport trailer

    Wholegoods price list has the LA534 at 603 lbs. The 603 does not include the bucket or quick attach. Quick coupler: 80 lbs QC Bucket 54": 160 lbs
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    How much fluid will it take to fill tires on B2650?

    Perhaps this link will help with the volume and weight. I'm certain others are out there. This link to Titan tire will give you the volume fill and more information about tires than most people would care to read. (see slide 28 of 34 for 12.4x16 fill)...
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    B3200 Top Link Assembly

    Even Harbor Freight has them. It looks to be the exact same item as the one from Tractor Supply.
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    L210 Glow Plug Resistor

    Good luck with your fix! When complete, please post your solution.
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    Rear ballast

    If using the loader, I prefer a ballast box. It takes a lot of weight off the front end reducing bearing wear. If filling the tires watch what you fill them with. Almost everything they fill them with is hazardous or corrosive (Beat Juice is OK). Local dealer claimed windshield washer fluid is...
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    BF300A Hydraulic Pipes

    Before trying any repair work, it might be prudent to use a good degreaser and keep in mind it will be difficult to thoroughly clean the micro-cracks. I'd let it set in a good degreaser, such as brake clean or similar for several hours if not over night. Although new parts are not available...
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    Steel Bolt, Aluminium casing, a shear delight on a B7200

    Galvanic corrosion. Anti-seize will go a long way in making bolt extraction easier the next time.
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    L210 Glow Plug Resistor

    I've never seen this type of design before prompting an internet search. There are a number of discussions showing how people fixed other tractors to use a "quick heat" glow plug without resistor and other articles on how to fix the resistor. Here is one about the GP conversion and resistor...
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    B8200 power steering

    That was my first thought. Using Messick's as a guide, it looks like the parts would run right at $3,000. Two of the parts are obsolete, but they would be willing to look for them. $3,000 is too much money for my neighbor. (Trying to help my elderly neighbor who has difficulty steering).
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    B8200 power steering

    Any luck in your power steering quest? I'm curious to know what you've found as I'd like to assist in converting my neighbors B9200 to power steering.
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    Upgrading from a Shovel and WheelBarrow to a B2650

    If it's not too late and assuming one is available, you might want to consider getting a bucket with removable/replaceable cutting edge. Typically the Heavy duty buckets have this option. Suggesting this given the gravel road maintenance. The downside would be the additional bucket weight would...
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    Perhaps this will help... (Added in edit) The pictures below are out of sequence, so please look at the 2nd one 1st.
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    Work Shop Manuals (WSM)

    Thank you! FYI... Messick's doesn't even show this WSM when using their Kubota Manuals page. Only the version I mentioned earlier and 9Y111-03692. There is no reference to the one you posted ...03693.
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    Work Shop Manuals (WSM)

    Is there a free manual available for the GL40-3 tractors such as a L4740-3? I see the -1 and -2 are available, but couldn't find the -3 version. If it's not available, can someone confirm Kubota PN: 9Y121-00050 covers the -3 versions? The title doesn't specify and I couldn't confirm when the...
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    B8200 Power Steering

    Thanks for posting. My neighbor has a B9200 and just asked me if power steering is available for his tractor, so you posting is very timely. So how well does it work? Any chance you could post the part numbers used? I might have to follow your lead to help him out... Any advice would be...
  19. 2

    Non working Display Mode/Traveling Speed button

    Do you own an electrical tester? If so, do you know how to set it to measure resistance? If not, take a picture of it and post and will be able to guide on how to verify switch operation. Without meter use the jumper method.
  20. 2

    Non working Display Mode/Traveling Speed button

    Some options include: 1) Disconnect the wire harness to the switch and measure the resistance across the made switch to see if it is functioning correctly. 2) Disconnect wire harness to the switch. Jump the wires running to the switch to simulate the switch being made and see if the panel responds.