My Kubota tractor won't go into gear


New member

Kubota B8200, for bush hog and box blade
Jul 26, 2017
I have a Kubota b8200 , 19 hp. It's making a grinding sound when you try to put it in any gear. I drove it a few weeks ago and it ran fine. It also has new fluid added after we drained the old. We hoped it would help but still not going into gear.


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Lifetime Member

M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
Sounds like you need to adjust the clutch.

If the clutch pedal is going close to the floor before there is any serious resistance, an adjustment is required. The gears are grinding because the clutch is still trying to transmit power even though you are stepping on the clutch pedal.

As the clutch disk wears, the pedal linkage requires adjustment.

If you don't know what you are doing best to find someone who does because if you adjust it incorrectly it can slip all the time and destroy itself.

Dave M7040


Well-known member

L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
If no success after adjusting the clutch and if the tractor is used intermittently. It's possible the clutch is rusted to the flywheel and thus not releasing when the pedal is depressed.

I had this happen to me on a JD 750 (about same vintage as your B8200). At the time I wasn't aware the clutch should be depressed when storing between use.

One work around that helped break the corrosion was to jack the rear and then engage the shifter. Yes there was some grinding of the gears but it was minimal as there was no real load on the tires since they were off the ground. Had someone lower the jack while running and the shock load was enough to break loose. In the end needed to split the tractor and replace the clutch components... Also learned to keep the clutch depressed when not in use. By the way.... JD didn't provide any means to hold the clutch depressed like there is on newer Kubotas.