Cannot find front wheel disc


New member

2013 M7040 4wd/Cab
Jul 14, 2017
Grapevine, TX
I have a 2013 M7040 4wd/ cab and the front right disc on the wheel broke in 2 places where the bolts fasten to the rim. I am going crazy trying to find a dealer parts department who can even find anything but the whole wheel with a tire. Apparently, Kubota does not sell the disc by itself although I have read several reviews that this has been a problem. I'm assuming the metal was weak. The bolts were not loose and I have less than 500 hours on the tractor. Any solutions or aftermarket ideas? Spending $700 to replace a part that should only cost $150 or so is not appealing since I don't need a tire or rim. Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated as my orange tractor sits out in the field doing nothing. (Tire is a 9.5x24)
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Lifetime Member

2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Is it so it can be welded up? A good welding shop can work miracles.


Well-known member

L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
There are two possible options from your dealer.

From Parts Counter: (This would be rim only)
40 ASSY WHEEL *** ASSY WHEEL 35999-13670 $378.13 5-7 business days 1 MR8955AR (used Messick's website to find info)

From Tractor Sales or Wholegoods 2016 price list: (This would be rim and tire mounted and ready for installation

AMR8955C F-TIRE 9.5-24 R1 6-PLY BIAS DURA TRQ 130 $ 459.00

There might be someplace that will sell just the disc, but if you're stuck buying from dealer, I'd consider getting from wholegoods as you won't have to worry about demounting and remounting the tire for only $80 more. Plus you'll have your old tire as a spare.

I've also seen some place advertised in the tractor auction freebie magazines at my local Tractor Supply that specializes in wheels. Sorry, but I don't have a copy in the house to further research for you.