Search results

  1. FTG-05

    L5030 not getting fuel

    What is the OPC timer switch, what does it do and where is it located> Thanks,
  2. FTG-05

    Are suitcase weights harmful?

    What does the manual say about the amount of front weights you can have on your tractor?
  3. FTG-05

    Universal Wheel weight?

    $50/280 lb = ~$.1785/lb. Still a smoking deal! Check what the other person said about them being potential collector's items, you may have even gotten a better deal than you think!!! Good luck!
  4. FTG-05

    Universal Wheel weight?

    A) That's not gonna fit your motorcycle - sorry, but that's just the honest truth! B) Repost the pic with the patent info upwards and the other stuff downwards so we can see what it says - too tired to do it myself, sorry. How many of them did you get and how much did you pay/lb? Good luck!
  5. FTG-05

    Replace fuel lines every 2 years?

    If you have to replace fuel lines in your tractor, I'd replace them with SAE J30R9 fuel hose, AKA Fuel Injection Hose. It will stand up to the aromatics in today's fuels (ethanol and/or biodiesel) better than the standard J30R7 hose typically found on vehicles. Good luck.
  6. FTG-05

    Simple, cheap and handy Pull Pin Solution

    THIS!!!! I've converted all of my pinned pins to use these except for the two that are on the 3ph side bars (sorry I don't know their technical name). They are chained, hence I haven't drilled them out to take 3/16" versions of what NIW posted. I fricking hate those bent pin thingies, worst...
  7. FTG-05

    L4330 Fuel Filter Bowl not refilling fast enough

    First page of chapter 4, page 1-M5 of the WSM shows the fuel system for the L3130, L3420, L3830, L4330, L4630 and L5030. From the tank to the fuel filter is all gravity feed. Downstream from the fuel filter is the fuel pump, then the injection pump and then onto the injectors. I second the...
  8. FTG-05

    B2650 Cab - Filled Tires or Ballast Box

    I would have too, if we could get it down here.
  9. FTG-05

    "To Ballast or Not to Ballast...that is the question"

    Front tires filled here: Mucho Grande Better! :D
  10. FTG-05

    Broken top link mount

    I take it the seller failed to disclosed this little failure? :mad: Too bad its the top bolt and not one of the lower ones, it would be a lot easier. Good luck.
  11. FTG-05

    Toothbar problems

    Can't really help you unfortunately except to say that my one and only BXexpanded Piranha bar fit perfectly. Good luck!
  12. FTG-05

    Look what my wife did while I was at work.

    That could have been very bad! How did you get it off? How does it run now?
  13. FTG-05

    New Box Blade

    I also have a LMC box blade. I'm working on adding a +400 lb weight box to the back end of it to make it even more useful.
  14. FTG-05

    Can't find bolts for weight bracket?

    $12.17 at Messick's or $11.48 at Coleman's, your choice. You could order it from the local Kubota dealer, but my bet is that it would have to be ordered, then you'd have to...
  15. FTG-05

    Can't find bolts for weight bracket?

    Looking up the bolt part number above indicates your looking for a 16X1.5X200 metric bolt. There are several places on line that have these, about $12-$15 each - ouch! Fastenal has them only to 180 mm length and in Class 8.8. I would get a minimum Class 10.9 bolts and preferably Class 12.9 if...
  16. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    One other thought on that: I have an FEL and while using my tractor to bushhog the hill I live on, I put two 30 gallon barrels filled with water in my FEL to help with traction while climbing up the hill. Filling the front tractor tires with 12 gallons of a water/WW/RV antifreeze mixture was...
  17. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    No problem, good luck! Neither can I.
  18. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    If you need help, give me a call. I know how having an extra set of hands (never mind a back) can help in seemingly simple jobs.
  19. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    I filled my front tires about 5 months ago, nothing but good news. I did it since I live on top of a hill and have to bushhog it from time to time and was having trouble getting up the hill while bushhogging. I would not reverse/flip the front tires/wheels due to concerns about overloading...
  20. FTG-05

    Bucket capacity

    You can also look here: Good luck!