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  1. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    Don't have the YouTube video handy since YouTube isn't working for me, don't know why. But I do have the tool that allows you to fill the tires. I live about 8 miles from you (NW of Blanche), if you want to borrow, let me know. I also already have the hoses and pump as well. Only need the...
  2. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    I've never heard of tractor saddle weights before now. Now I'm going to have to look under my tractor and see if I can add any weight under there. Thanks!
  3. FTG-05

    Need weight on the front

    The manual for my L4330 says to not add liquid ballast to the front tires. I did it anyway (about 12 gallons of mixed RV antifreeze, WW and water). I've had no problems and it definitely made the tractor feel more stable going up and down the steep hill I live on. I also have about 180 lbs...
  4. FTG-05

    Adding liquid ballast: Tube or Tube-less

    What are you having put in your tires and who is doing it for you? I live about 8 miles west of you. I already have the tool to fill tractor tires if you want to borrow it and save some cash. Good luck. And welcome!
  5. FTG-05

    Mice during storage

    It's not rocket science: :D
  6. FTG-05

    SO THAT is Reverse?

    I know for a fact that a winch cable can cut a person in half. I saw it on a documentary narrated by John McClane. :D
  7. FTG-05

    Overheating issue on L series verified

    I've also had my L4330 overheat on me one time while bushhogging my neighbor's property. But unlike what other people here are reporting, I got warning on my dashboard. Also unlike others here did, I did not turn the tractor off, but let it idle into my shop, where I left if running while I...
  8. FTG-05

    Wiring Question

    This is the way I would do it. The switch turns them on or off but they always go on regardless of whether the tractor is on or not. Good luck!
  9. FTG-05

    Removing hardened 19mm bolt from cast iron L2800

    Sounds to me he has a squeaky cattle problem. :D
  10. FTG-05

    Removing hardened 19mm bolt from cast iron L2800

    Another way I've heard of loosening a bolt/nut is to heat it up not quite red hot, then hit it with candle wax. The wax is supposed to be wicked in, breaking the rust interface. Any truth to the this?
  11. FTG-05

    More weights

    12 gallons each tire, about 95 lbs each (97 lbs each tire with just water, I figure RV AF and WW fluid weigh a little less). 12 gallons RV AF and WW fluid total (6 gallons each), the rest was water. RV AF was about $4 each gallon, the WW fluid about $3 each. I took all they had, hence that's...
  12. FTG-05

    More weights

    I'm not a B-tractor expert at all, but this was the best $15 I've spent on my L4330 so far: I used it to fill my front tires with +/- 12 gallons of RV antifreeze/winshield washer fluid and it only took about an hour for...
  13. FTG-05

    How to fill the tires with ballast

    My L4330 owners manual says nothing about filling the fronts with ballast. So, I take it's OK to do? Thanks!
  14. FTG-05

    Kubota Alternator/Volt Regulator

    Call these guys, maybe they can sell the regulator only and you can rebuild it yourself. Good luck!
  15. FTG-05

    Tire Ballest
  16. FTG-05

    L3800 Tie Down Points

    I don't see your tractor tied down via four points. I see it tied down via two points, with chain in front, one chain in back. If one chain breaks, or one point becomes untied, then you no longer have a secured tractor. To be tied down via four points, the tractor needs to have one chain at...
  17. FTG-05

    Need Help: ZD28 Temperature Fluctuating/Red Lining at Start Up

    I used to have a toyota 4runner that did the same thing. When I bought a new thermostat, I made sure that it had a very small hole in it so that a small amount of hot fluid would flow through it even when cold. Very stable temps after installation. Hole was less 1/16" +/-. Good luck.
  18. FTG-05

    L 4350

    If it's not close to the diagrams is it possible you have the wrong manual or are looking at a different tractor in the manual you have? My workshop manual has at least 4 or five different tractors (L3130, L4130, L4330, etc.). Also since you say the filter is near the 3PH area, it sounds like...
  19. FTG-05

    Diesel Fuel Lubricity And Additives

    An oldie but goody!
  20. FTG-05

    Back blade

    I need to do this so bad on my 6' box blade! I live on a one mile gravel road and since I'm the only one with a tractor, I get to keep the road up. Where did you get the tail wheel assembly and how much did it cost? Thanks,