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  1. FTG-05

    Modified air intake, air filter stays cleaner..

    Where did you get it?
  2. FTG-05

    Bucket attachments

    So far I have a Ratchet Rake and I'm building my own version of the RR Rip and Dig, although it won't be as large. Of course, I have the mandatory chain hooks etc. on top of the bucket.
  3. FTG-05

    Farm field repairs

    Fortunately (or unfortuanately depending on your point of view) I have much simpler goals in life: To be able to weld such gorgeous welds as shown above!!! :D
  4. FTG-05

    Hydraulic Top Link

    Sorry for perhaps a dumb question: What do you do to install one of these if you don't have the power/hydraulic ports in the rear of the tractor, as shown in the upper right of the first pic?
  5. FTG-05

    L4330 3PH won't drop!

    Knob/valve was closed; cracked it, 3PH dropped immediately. Good call! Thanks!
  6. FTG-05

    L4330 3PH won't drop!

    Ok, I think I know what knob you're talking about! If this is the problem - THANKS!!! I don't have the manual yet - assuming the previous owner has it - I'll get it this Thursday. [BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!] Thanks,
  7. FTG-05

    L4330 3PH won't drop!

    Is that the knob that's in front of the 3PH lever? If so, yes it's out of the way, all the way forward.
  8. FTG-05

    L4330 3PH won't drop!

    Went out to the property today, one to drop off my hog trap/goat transporter cage, the other to see if my L4330 with it's forks would reach my 2nd floor mezzanine in the shop (it does!). However, while showing me the basic controls of the tractor, my BIL lifted then tried to drop the 3PH and it...
  9. FTG-05

    L3800 - Canopy or not?

    I was thinking of using 1 1/2" square tubing for the frame with maybe 1"x2" as supports and then a used car engine hood from a pick-a-part wrecking yard. Anyone ever used an engine hood as a tractor canopy?
  10. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    From the spreadsheet above, I'm leaning towards the Woods BB720X at 1,200 lbs and aa 30-120 HP requirement. Is there any reason my L4330 with it's 36 PTO HP could not run this bushhog efficiently? Thanks,
  11. FTG-05

    L3800 - Canopy or not?

    I'm listening! :D
  12. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, guys, please keep them coming! I did this spreadsheet, let's see if I can get it to attach: Ok, it looks like it went. There was simply no way for me to remember everything about every bushhog, so I listed all the makes, models and variables that I...
  13. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    Went and looked at this Big Bee rotary cutter last night. $685 brand new. With it's 40 hp gearbox, I'm pretty sure this fits the definition of "light duty". My .02.
  14. FTG-05

    Finally got to ride my L4330 today, what does the "wrench" symbol mean?

    Press and hold which two buttons? I have to check with the former owner, I think he did the service at the 500 hour mark, but I need to check with him. Since he has (had) two Kubotas, he may be confused as to which one he actually serviced. Thanks,
  15. FTG-05

    Finally got to ride my L4330 today, what does the "wrench" symbol mean?

    Hopefully nothing as drastic as the warp core is getting ready to self-eject or the fusion reactor has gone into self-destruct mode.... :) There was also the following words just above the 513.X hours reading: "Service Inspect". I don't have the manual yet (assuming the owner has it) and...
  16. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    Good stuff, keep it coming! BTW, here's the best video I could find on what I have to do to clear about 12 acres of woods on my soon-to-be property: A lot of undergrowth, including numerous 2"-3" saplings in and amongst all the big trees that I want...
  17. FTG-05

    My brand spanking new (to me) L4330 tractor, what bushhog do I want?

    I've read a number of "what size bushhog for my tractor?" threads and think I understand the (5hp (PTO) per foot" rule of thumb. But what I really want to know is what is the sweet spot for the L4330 specifically? On the scale of light duty to heavy duty, I want the heavier duty. I plan to go...
  18. FTG-05

    What are the big differences between the L5XXX and M5XXX models?

    I'll be looking to buy my first tractor later this year. Bushhogging and gravel driveway maintenance will be it's primary use among other things. I prefer slightly used and somewhere between 45 and 50 HP +/-. A FEL is a must, as-is 4WD. In revieweing the various L5XXX and M5XXX models on...
  19. FTG-05

    Farm Chains

    AWDirect is a good company, I've ordered a bunch of stuff from them over the years. About a $30 difference between Grade 80 vs. Grade 70. Worth it if the use was overhead lifting; if not, no.
  20. FTG-05

    2 cycle oil

    This question comes up a lot over on the forum (chainsaw/woodcutting site). Lots of horror stories of people ruining their chainsaws using the incorrect TC-W3 2 stroke oil designed for water-cooled 2 stroke engines. I do use the TC-W3 oil, but only as a diesel fuel lubricant for...