Out of the blue today I sheared 2 fan bolts, the ones that pin the fan to the shaft....why???
We had about 3" of wet heavy snow last night. The first one went when I was clearing what the plow piled up across the drive, had the rpm's up, so just take it slower, .. OK....my bad.
I didn't have...
I believe Wisc. has passed a law protecting albino deer. It was legal game where it was killed, don't see the issue.
I've never seen one and doubt I ever will. If I did see one, I would not put it down, but that's just me. I'm not a trophy hunter.
I did what you guys suggested, except the continuity test (no meter). Started at the buss bar and worked my way back the the ignition switch. Shined up all I could w/steel wool added some dielectric grease to all wiring quick connects & fuses. Even took the ignition switch out and...
Where would I find that?
If that's good, I'll go down the checklist that Pepsiboy listed. Being Thanksgiving and having guests I'll not get a chance to look at it today.
Thanks and have a Great Thanksgiving.
All of a sudden my glow plugs have seemed to quit working. Light on dash lights up, but it just cranks away until it starts. Prior to this, I'd warm the plugs for a 7 count and bang, it would start almost immediately. It lives in a heated garage so the cold is not an issue.
I've not had time to...
I have the new one ordered also w/manual chute. It's suppose to be here the first week in Dec. Cost was $1950.00
I may have trouble selling the old one without the quick hitch. I'm gonna let the dealer take it on consignment and see what happens.
I have the new generation Kubota snow blower ordered, but according to the dealer it's not projected to be here till Dec 2 or later. I was hoping for a sooner delivery. I've got the old one on and ready to go. Our snow totals are projected to be 12" plus by tomorrow this time.
I just paid $4.20 for off road #1 today. Something is really wrong when I walk by a on road premium pump and it's $4.11
Since when did off road become more pricy than on road!
I'm paying a visit to the manager tomorrow.
Here's something to ponder. Manufacturing practices are pretty much similar throughout the industry. By that I mean little diesels are manufactured the same way as big ones.
Now when a contractor buys a new piece of equipment (any brand), your going to tell me that they will follow the 50 hr...