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  1. B

    found a compression tester at...

    I have that one -- can't go wrong for the price.
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    parts diagrams (secret)

    If you want parts manuals, try Click on the manuals tab and then enter you tractor/attachment data as requested -- wait about 24 hours and you'll get a free PDF parts manual.
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    3 point lift?

    So, give us the answer. Curious minds want to know.
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    3 point lift?

    I went through a similar bout with my 3 pt not too long ago. I raised it all the way to adjust something (forgot just what at this point) and then it wouldn't move at all --- wouldn't go down. It was stuck in the fully raised position. Started to take it apart to find the problem and, as I...
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    B-21 3 point

    Seems to me that it's rated to lift 900 lbs?? Verify --- don't take my word for it.
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    My B8200 has new clothes!

    Absolutely georgeous!!!!!!
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    L175 Rehab

    I would make double sure that the battery has a good ground ----- that may be why it's not working. When you jump it, you may be supplying the ground needed through your other vehicle. That'll get it started and it'll run fine without the battery --- all it's there for is to get it started...
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    L3650 Electrical Issue?

    I'll second that ---------------
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    Paint Question

    It's a tractor!!! If you want a museum piece, then by all means, get it professionally cleaned up and painted. But, if you plan to use it regularly, spray cans over the existing finish will really improve the looks and you'll not feel bad the first time you scratch it up --- just get out your...
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    B7200 Stuck in Reverse

    Sounds like a shifter issue, but I can't help beyond that observation. Pulling the shifter should be easy --- look and see what fell off.
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    PDF manuals

    May have been Check the manuals section --------
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    How effective is an Engine Overhaul? L245DT

    Kind of a crap shoot without some data. I guess you don't know if it's been overhauled before?? You say it ran pretty well before you took it apart. That could be a clue. What were/are some of the basics? Compression? Oil pressure? Engine temp?? Did it pull hard when it was running or was it...
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    L275 hydrolics wont work.

    Be more specific --- when you say none of the hydraulics work, do you mean just the 3 pt?? Do you have a loader?? Is there anything beyond TPH that doesn't work??
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    B6200E No Start Issue

    "I did get a 2 volt drop from the starter terminal reading to the back of the ignition switch, from 12.59 V to 10.59 V." You may want to get that battery load tested --- I think that's too much voltage drop. The battery should hold 12 volts while glowing and cranking.
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    How to Determine Year tractor was made?

    The only quick and dirty way that I'm aware of is to check your rear wheels to see if there is a date stamped into the wheel. The assumption, then, is that the tractor ws made close to that date. Nobody worries much about the date. Most all are concerned with the hours of use not the originakl...
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    Weather proofing tip and beating the elements.

    Nope -- no bedliners. Sounds a little hoky to me. Don't need pictures; I can visualize it.
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    B7001 venting oil from crankcase

    Let me ask this --- does it continuously drain oil or does it just emit a cloud of vapor as it's running and then drip oil when you shut it down?? If it's the latter, it's probably blow by which would lead you to rings. Run a compression check to see how you're rings seal. Then take it from there.
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    Help with L 35 age

    Not that I'm aware of ---- best advice I can give you is check to see if there's a maufacture date stamped in the back wheels. If there is, the only assumption you can make is that's about the date that the tractor was assembled. Vic seems to be better able to pin down dates of manufacture --...
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    Tips on Draining Hydraulic Fluid

    And, to add to the response, you don't need to do anything to bleed the air out of those cylinders. They will "self bleed" as you cycle them.
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    B7100 White smoke, black rain

    Magnaflux it --- take it to a good local machine shop and ask them to do it. Maybe $50.