Conventional till, flat ground, maybe, on a good day with a FWD, but no till, no way, too heavy. I have seen dealers cut up old planters into single or double row units, that a 30 HP would pull...:D:D
Can't tell you about the mower, cause I don't know the model number/color...
The MF 1020 was built by toyosha, same as an Allis 5020, I think. there is also a hinmoto import like an E series, (I forget the number) that is also very similar. Hard to get parts, on these, now...:D:D
I bought one, last year, at auction, brand new, with faded paint, $45. They work, OK, but slow, in forward, but unless the soil is really loose, you lose traction, and the mechanical advantage of fwd facing lugs, in reverse...:D:D
I see no reason why you couldn't fab up an extra long ripper. Just get some cold rolled stock, long enough, and weld a tip to it. Thing to remember is that a subsoiler only costs about $150, and there is zero labor, other than hooking it up. I say go for it, if you have your own welder, or...
I think the link in your picture needs to be moved forward one hole. Don't be concerned about the drawing in the manual, sometimes parts change shape a little as a machine is manufactured. You want the back end of the BH to be able to flex up and down, as others have said...:D:D
Didn't have time to post this earlier. The best way to burn out stumps, is to drill some 1" holes in the stump, then pack the holes with KNO3 aka salt peter, aka potassium nitrate salt. Then Cork the holes, easiest way is with a home made dowel of the same diameter. You can make the dowels...
I think if you have 300 that size, you'll be lucky to do 1 per day. Gonna really work that little tractor. You will find that as the stumps were live, the root hairs really grip the soil. As they die, it makes things a little easier. If it was me, I'd wait a year, and get the closest ones to...
Actually there is such an app. The providers wanted me to join their list, but My idea would be a list of non paying deadbeats who try to screw hard working contractors, and that shut them right up, and I haven't heard from them since.
Sorry, can't remember the name of the app, but it also had...
THat 3rd set of wheels, can be a real kidney puncher, on rough ground. Been mowing lawns commercially, for about 25+ years, the go to standard mower is a 5' wide, 25+HP gas motor. The dixie chopper I'm running now, has over 2100 hrs on it, all put on by me. New, its prolly 12 grand, right now...
I'm partial to Kolpin gun boots, you can mount them in any position, and they are sheepskin lined (or some kind of synthetic fur, IDK), and are easy to access, and keep the gun out of dust and dirt.
On my old Allis D-14, I welded up a cross the gas tank rack, that went on, with a coupla wing...