What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

trial and error

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B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Got ready for winter which means i wont get any measurable snow this year, as (I think) I'm done with nessacary loader and fork work. Took the loader off made it "fly" onto my dolly using the overhead electric hoist in the garage, took a couple pics of the "naky tractor" before putting the retrofitted plow (which never got painted or even primed this spring /summer) and counterweight back on. Taking the loader off was relatively fast amd done in less then an hour. Wrapping it up in its winter blanket and putting the plow back on took the better part of 2 hours, as I didn't want to be re-applying the tarp in January and I couldn't quite remember the plow hose routing from when I took it off in February for the first time ever. I think I have them safely routed and did a quick test run in all angles and up and down but only time will tell


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Siesta Sundance

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L305DT, MX 5200, SVL 75-2, (Sold M7060))
Oct 23, 2022
Not much happening here.

I unloaded a 200lb protein tub out of the truck with the pallet forks. Then switched over attachments to the hay spear and gave cows a fresh round bale of hay.
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Depending on the installation, if they all have tank style toilets, that's still one flush per apartment (minimum) with 'plunkie possibilities'. This is exactly one of the reasons I respect anyone that does sewer work of any kind for a living. I got a dose of it early in life when I was about 13 years old. One of our septic tanks (made from 55 gallon drums) started leaking. Yours truly was 'volunteered' to empty the leaking tank and remove it (sledge hammer and hacksaw). I figured out if we dug the 'form' first around the drums, we could do all the walls of a replacement concrete tank and pour the bottom once we got the drums out of the way. Worked like a champ. That was a very memorable job, and one of the reasons I decided I really needed an education.

I take it digging/repairing from the far end first and making the closest connection last wasn't an option?
I have been ...IN....several of the round block cesspools, to "refresh" them (many years ago) after pumping.
Dug the bottom sand out, and replaced with clean sand.
Not a nice place!


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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
I have been ...IN....several of the round block cesspools, to "refresh" them (many years ago) after pumping.
Dug the bottom sand out, and replaced with clean sand.
Not a nice place!
And I thought I had it rough digging the hole for a 500 gal tank one summer as a teenager. In the Mississippi heat and red clay with a pick and shovel.


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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Loaded a mortiser in to my truck (selling it to a friend). Wasn’t heavy, but I’m lazy. I didn’t even bother to move the wife’s car 😬 luckily I didn’t drop it on her hood 😅.

Way I look at it, I spent all this money on this darn orange machine, I might as well use it as much ass possible!

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Nov 19, 2023
Central TX
Hi. New member here. I bought a 2007 BX2350 in Missouri last month, it sadly had what I would call abuse of a bad mechanic. I believe he misdiagnosed a fuel issue and instead removed the head. The owner gave up on the mechanic after he held it for over a year. I have ordered almost all the parts to redo the head gasket, fuel filters, fuel pump and see what happens. Last night drained all fluids and replaced filters. This morning I checked the electrical, had to clean the positive terminal and she is showing 1372 hours. The fuel pump was clicking nicely so may skip replacing it. Hoping to have it running by Christmas.

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Quoting myself for traceability, I put Kubota UDT back in Sunday night and Monday noticed a small puddle. I had replaced the drain plug with a new copper crush washer because I noticed a leak before but guessed it was the plug after I had powerwashed the rear. After jacking it up discovered an axle seal leak has been occurring. Ordered seals for both sides from Coleman Equipment, along with a steering wheel center plastic piece, and always need an excuse for new tools. Read quite a bit of warnings about snap ring pliers, we'll see if a knipex 7 inch 45 degree will work. The WSM photo looks like he ran over his pliers.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
I take it digging/repairing from the far end first and making the closest connection last wasn't an option?

We took on the worst part of the landowners sewer line first. The "problem child(s)" are fixed as of today. we didn't have an issue with flushes today...since I tore thru the water line :mad:. Then came the rain! :mad::mad::mad:

I do get unhappy when they bury the water line in the same ditch as the sewer line...often one directly below the other... that peeve's me off.

Everyone is reconnected now so flushing their turkey dinner waste shouldn't be an issue. Will go back to finish the last run another day when we dry out a bit.

PS- got the blinking fuel light on the mini at the end of the day today. So, it ran for about a day and a half...it's a bit thirsty.
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Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Quoting myself for traceability, I put Kubota UDT back in Sunday night and Monday noticed a small puddle. I had replaced the drain plug with a new copper crush washer because I noticed a leak before but guessed it was the plug after I had powerwashed the rear. After jacking it up discovered an axle seal leak has been occurring. Ordered seals for both sides from Coleman Equipment, along with a steering wheel center plastic piece, and always need an excuse for new tools. Read quite a bit of warnings about snap ring pliers, we'll see if a knipex 7 inch 45 degree will work. The WSM photo looks like he ran over his pliers.

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Knipex makes/sells great stuff!
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Been helping the wife in the kitchen. Two turkeys stuffed and in the cookers. All the sides partially prepared waiting for the time to start. Family should be here at noon and the feast will began.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
Snow is coming. Got the blower put back on the rear and a quick service. Man I wish I had a front blower. One day maybe. Saw this for sale but unfortunately it’s for a la1154 loader set up and I’m running a m21 on my m7060. Not sure if it would fit but I am sure I’d hear about a 9800.00 dollar blower from the boss. She would get over it lol


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Still on the sidelines. Cold but sunny day. Watching the wife clean out the flower beds. She did hook up the propane torch for me so I could burn weeds in the walkway. Rather be on the Orange. 3 months to go.


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B2650HSDC, LA534 FEL, BH77, B2782 63" blower, BB1560, RB1672, QH16
Dec 1, 2019
Thunder Bay, ON
Good thing winter is late up here, put the snow blower and my new quick hitch and new rear blade.
I have also long suspected that my hydraulic pressure was low so I put together a fitting and gauge to test it. After warming up the tractor I tested the pressure and sure enough I was running slightly less than 2200. I put the shims that I purchased in and now I'm sitting slightly less than 2500 so now I'm right on spec. Good day all in all.
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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Put the grapple on the L3901DT and moved a couple logs to be blocked up and split. I got started late today, I had rotated tires on my wife's Tacoma and some moved around some of my network gear for my home network. I got the log splitter out and was able to get the two logs blocked up, split and stacked before it got dark. I also put the log splitter back in its place in the lean-to. These two logs were pretty heavy. They are 80" long, not sure how big around they were.

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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Spent yesterday working on an old fence row. Took at a bunch of old brush and down trees. Took out the rest of an old hog building. While I worked on that the nephews and family were riding four wheelers and enjoying the day. We stopped for lunch and had a barbecue. So thankful for the grapple, it made easy work of the projects which would of taken me two to three times as long if I had to get out and chain everything to remove it all.

Made for a fun and productive day.
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Aug 7, 2018
Made an unexpected up north this past week, while there we loaded up the old Ford that’s been in dads shed since I was 3 or 4. Great grandpa bought it new. No Bota up there to load it, but had one here to unload it 😁


Dad had it blocked up on an engine stand to be able to move it around his shed, no front axle on it currently…


Used the Bota to pull to the ramps while son ran the winch.


The Bota picked the front off the trailer and brought it to the carport for now.
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Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Made an unexpected up north this past week, while there we loaded up the old Ford that’s been in dads shed since I was 3 or 4. Great grandpa bought it new. No Bota up there to load it, but had one here to unload it 😁

View attachment 116822
Dad had it blocked up on an engine stand to be able to move it around his shed, no front axle on it currently…

View attachment 116823
Used the Bota to pull to the ramps while son ran the winch.

View attachment 116824
The Bota picked the front off the trailer and brought it to the carport for now.
Do you know if it is a 2N, 9N, or 8N?
They are simple bulletproof machines, but certainly do lack sophistication.
Very poor with a loader, due to no power steering.
I have a 1951 8N, in excellent (refurbished) condition, and really should sell it.
I have owned it for 51 years, and am struggling with nostalgic thoughts of it leaving.
Yours has a very personal history...mine does not.
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Aug 7, 2018
Do you know if it is a 2N, 9N, or 8N?
They are simple bulletproof machines, but certainly do lack sophistication.
Very poor with a loader, due to no power steering.
I have a 1951 8N, in excellent (refurbished) condition, and really should sell it.
I have owned it for 51 years, and am struggling with nostalgic thoughts of it leaving.
Yours has a very personal history...mine does not.
It’s a 2N. We still got the original steel wheels that came on it new. I’ve never seen the tractor run. We started taking it apart years ago and dad did a little more after I moved away. Engine has been rebuilt but just need to get the rest of the tractor assembled and painted.

Will just be used around here to compliment the kubota with garden tasks pretty much.
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LX2610 w/ 60" MMM, LP 72" Snow Plow, EA Wicked 55" Grapple, and Woods 60" BB
Dec 6, 2020
Upstate NY
Converted from summer configuration to winter configuration.

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