Yes sir, no problem. It was a business decision. Was in the cattle business, more work than what it was worth and it involved leased land of couple hundred acres, the brutal droughts have been a kick in the nuts. I can't justify having it for my place with my other equipment, nor does it fit under half my trees. I sold it a quite a bit more than what I paid for. I only have 6 cows and 1 bull, just to keep the Ag exemption on my place, and even those bastards might end up costing more than what they are worth or in future calves worth, cause hay costs etc. All my neighbors downszed or got out. One neighbor next to me hs 350ac, his cousin ran cows on his place, he sold everything cow related. That neighbor wants me to lease his place, nope, not taking on any more animals, he can let my cows out on his place and claim he is meeting the ag exemption needs, but Im not adding any more to the herd. Sorry/rant.....
Ok back to the M7060, I also didn't want to keep it for my side jobs, the fuel tank and hydraulic distribution is on the belly. Not ideal for South Texas brush county, otherwise great machine for improved pastures/land. Using an older 2wd 100hp JD or International is more ideal pulling the 15' batwing in brush country. Those tractors sit high and not much on the bottom side for crap to get ripped off.