Cat's cool! As mine just walked all over the key board, then shut the monitor off!

Dang mowing grass, that cuts deep!

Now go walk yourself off a short dock into a deep lake to atone for your actions!
When we have a mild winter (which is most) I have to mow until about the 1st or 2nd week of December, then start again late February, no later than March 1st. So roughly a 3 month reprieve...then back to mowing.
In the peak growing season I will need to mow every 5 days. Grass will literally grow an inch a day.
Lawn is not that bad since front and back yard is around 4 acres and I can knock that out with the Zero Turn.
But pastures take days to mow with my tractor and it needs to be done at least every 10 days with a 15' bat-wing mower.
We basically have 4 hot months here (June-Sept) then the rest of the year is very nice.
I'll have this kind of grass growing (already cut once) by early March each year.
But I feel for you guys that live in the Snow Belt. I lived in Kansas for about 6 yrs and I know what snow and cold is. Also the mess it makes when it starts to melt. All that nasty slush, ground won't dry out for months.