Put some hours on that puppy the last couple of days!
Friday I had the box blade on and ripped and re-graded 500' or so of driveway and then spread 12 yards of screened gravel on another 100' that was too far gone to work with.
Today I put the trusty old Howard HR-6 Rotavator on (which I just put all new tines on...ouch...) and tilled 4 large-ish gardens. Two of them got 10 yards of nice compost applied first with me running back and forth to the pile and doing a dump-and-run on the garden while the owner raked it out.
Same fella had me spread about 5 yards of nice loam for lawn repairs and move another 5 yards out of his way (contractor dumped it in the wrong spot).
Even had to run the AC in the cab. 55-ish degrees outside but with bright sunshine and all that glass it wasn't long getting warm in there!
Oh, and the first Official Sign of Spring in Maine appeared. First time I drove the bucket into that pile of compost I stirred up a CLOUD of black flies...