Full service on the B2601 over the past 2 days. 400 hours.
Emptied engine oil. Taking the cap off the top lets it flow out faster. Replaced filter. Put two drain bolts back in, refilled. Cursed stupid funnel with a filter in it that runs incredibly slowly. Cut down a milk bottle as a funnel instead.
Emptied axle oil. Poured on the floor because my catch tray didn't quite lean inside the wheel rim enough, and as the flow slowed it trickled out sideways. Went to refill, milk bottle funnel didn't fit in the hole. Worked out how to remove filter from filter funnel, used that. Filling from full 20L UDT container very hard, spilled starting it off. Then funnel tipped over sideways and poured on the floor. Tied to fuel hose with string, filled.
Then noticed spare crush washer in the drain container. From engine oil drain plug. Checked which one was missing drain washer, took off, installed washer, reinstalled drain plug without losing too much oil. Not on the floor this time, went in drain pan.
Drove tractor up onto some timber to make it high enough to drain HST fluid directly into spare/empty UDT container. Took out drain plug, drained into UDT container well. First filter wouldn't come off with filter remover - too much fluid had gone on it from gloves. Slip jaw pliers are under tractor front wheel. HST fluid empty, cannot drive. Tried various other tools that didn't work, found pry bar to lift front wheel enough to get slip jaw pliers out. Removed and replaced first filter.
Went to remove second filter. No clearance, someone put a pipe right underneath it. Tried slip jaw pliers on the end of it, slipped off and crushed little finger on my left hand. Said some rude words and lay on the ground. Better half who had chosen that time to visit to see how I was going decided not to visit at all and went away again. Crawled under tractor to get better angle, and inched off the filter a tenth turn at a time. Replaced filter.
Refilled fluid using filter funnel without filter in it, and tied to tractor tool box so it didn't fall over. No spillage, but 20L UDT container is heavy to hold and pour. Probably need a pump.
Removed air cleaner, full of dirt. Started air compressor and blew it out. Air compressor hasn't been used for too long, pressure valve didn't work, air all leaked out, but filter clean.
Removed fuel bowl, full of junk. Diesel on floor. Hard to remove old fuel filter - seems to be jammed in. Tried screwdriver for a while, almost but not quite. Used slip jaw pliers to grab and pull out. Cleaned bowl, put in new filter. Tipped spare diesel from bowl and filter into the UDT container with the used fluid.
Refitted it all.....and everything works.
All in all, a good days work.