Interesting, learned something new today, thanks.
You are welcome Bill!
It has been a fun hobby that has led to me become acquainted with a number of interesting people around the world.
I spend a lot of time restoring vintage gear and I think that had a very positive impact upon my daughter because since she was tiny, she has had her own work area on my restoration bench where she started with Lincoln Logs before progressing to Lego and then science projects of her own. She taught herself calculus in the 5th grade and has been working with professors publishing academic research since her freshman year of high school and I attribute her early exposure to math, science, and technology in helping form her interests.
She received a presidential scholarship to her first choice private university based upon her academic accomplishments and will be starting her undergrad on the way to a PhD in applied math next month. The first photo is from several years ago of Anna with my Johnson Desk Kilowatt station which is a pretty rare high power transmitter from the early 1950s. Anna supervised the restoration

The second picture is from a few years later when she is inspecting a Gates BC-250GY commercial broadcast transmitter I was getting ready to restore. The final photo is Anna with her Hallicrafters SX-42 receiver from 1947 that she played a big part in restoring and it is a table radio in her home office.