bust your tires, fight you with your neighbor, transmission talk
Your 30 year old tires disintegrating and hitting your nice new paint
good thing you got some spare wheels, switch you out busted tire and keep shaping realm
install you a hillybilly lambo push to start on your tractor
your other switch was left on and you ran your starter for 30 minutes with the engine running but starter still work
your neighbor ripped out your glow plug switch because he claim:
"you are making the road worse"
he forced you stop fixing the road, stole 2 gallons of your hydraulic fluid, and chased you back to your shop to make sure you stop working the machine
your glad he ripped the switch out because now when you want glowplug, just make those 2 touch for a bit, works perfect
transmission talk:
you start off all excited running it in high gear 2 wheel drive swinging you that big steel around, then
you realise its true earth moving capability is in 4wd low gear
then you become like a japanese artist and unlock the true potential of robot
go you uphill in low gear bucket down on the ground flattening, then
push you that bucket hard into your earth, the power of that 4wd in reverse going downhill is tremendous, earth moving and noticeeable, and
the driveline somehow can handle 7000 pounds or more total of force, meaning
you let that clutch out, and all 4 wheels are pulling back your earth with big might,
something has to be really strong inside their transmission that can orchestrate the entire thing
your suspicion was right in that inside that transmission are crazy strong gears that come from old foundry better than the new foundry
You havent tried to break it yet but your suspicion is that even if you tried to break it, you couldnt
what an idiot, you thought you can lift up a chassis like it was not packed with crazy thick steel/gear/everything
you honestly think you can move a mobile home in low gear with your robot
your busted tire ruining your paint job on your loader frame
put you your other L295 wheel and keep churning
Stuff breaking but you still churn earth