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  1. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    When you forget your PIN code...
  2. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    Me, when chocolate chip cookies are in the oven...
  3. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    I'm guessing we can rule out the guy who hooked the trailer to the tow vehicle...
  4. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    Fashion crime enforcement area
  5. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    That's fake. Any parent can tell you that the real ones go all the way to 11.
  6. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    Yoko: "Hold my beer ..."
  7. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

  8. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    Stick welding fumes?
  9. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    I'm pretty confident beer is still involved...
  10. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

  11. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    My youngest got started on the tractor at 10. Now he's the wireless, voice or hand-sign activated remote and that feature is very handy.
  12. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    Sounds like you remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday...
  13. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    15 minutes later... "Stop showing me ads for things I just held up a sign about"
  14. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    "Don't make me spin this seat around!"
  15. m32825

    Daily Chuckle Accident report...
  16. m32825

    Daily Chuckle

    These fishing jokes remind me of one of my favorites by Jerry Clower: Fishing with the Game Warden
  17. m32825

    Quotations To Live By.....

    Great song, very upbeat. Hit #2 on the rock charts in 1990. Probably says something about how old we both are... :)
  18. m32825

    Quotations To Live By.....

    Also a line from the Asia song "Days Like These"
  19. m32825

    Roasted Kubota

    I'll take a shot at humor to lighten the mood... An engineer and an attorney were fishing in the Caribbean. The attorney said, “I’m here because my house burned down and everything I owned was destroyed by the fire. The insurance company paid for everything.” "That’s quite a coincidence,"...
  20. m32825

    Growing grass on previous grove lot

    If my ciphering is correct, you need close to 700 cubic yards to add an inch of topsoil to 5 acres. So you need to price it by the dump truck load, then multiply by 70. :eek: