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  1. R

    Need help

    I'm just not following. What do you mean by 'brush his'?
  2. R

    BX2680 Hydralic Leak on FEL connect

    Combines have been using single point hydraulic connectors for a handful of years now. They too, are prone to leaking if there is not plenty of slack in the hoses. The cam type latch seems to have too much flex that allows a less than optimal seal. Never seen one leak in a big way but most of...
  3. R

    What kind of chainsaw you have?

    I have two Stihl gas saws. A mid-size 270 and a handy top handle saw. They have both been great saws but run them on canned fuel anymore to avoid storage issues. When you need them, you want them to start without any hassles, right? For around the house, I would sure give the cordless electric...
  4. R

    PTO shaft question with slip clutch

    PTO shaft extenders introduce a lot of stress and leverage at the tractor end and are responsible for many broken output shafts. They also put your pivot point in a location that neither the tractor, nor the implement were designed for. Get a longer driveshaft. If you match the tube size and...
  5. R

    Complete oil loss engine shut down reset

    Yeah, that puts a different light on things. If the starter is unable to turn over the engine.... but tries to. That darn oil sure is important. If you are somewhat mechanical, pull the injectors and try to roll it over with a bar.
  6. R

    Complete oil loss engine shut down reset

    This is a bit outside of my wheelhouse but, it does sound almost like something needs to be 'reset'. Since there is an engine at stake, I would be seeking clarification from your local Service Department. If it is an electronic lock-out, they may need to be hooked up to it to clear it. Just...
  7. R

    Food for your dragon

    I know an old guy that was a plumber all his working life. He had stories that were almost certainly true but very hard to imagine....
  8. R

    Complete oil loss engine shut down reset

    Did it shut itself down by sensing low oil pressure? Did it seize and stop? Did you shut it down? Does the starter TRY to engage or do you have nothing at all when the key goes to the 'start' position?
  9. R

    Food for your dragon

    Question: Are you a filthy slob who refuses to do any cleaning or take the garbage out? Answer: No, Sir! I am a Roach Rancher with a keen eye on maximizing my production levels. :p
  10. R

    Fertilizer: correct application?

    Please, please, please do not think this is aimed at anyone in particular here. Just a few random thoughts from the other side of the fence, so to speak. These thoughts are also in compliance with Oregon law. I won't pretend to know much about other states that may have tighter regulations than...
  11. R

    Fertilizer: correct application?

    Sounds par for the course if it was anhydrous ammonia. It is highly volatile, so a little in the air goes a long ways. Unless your eyes are actually tearing up and your breath catches, it's just an unpleasant annoyance. As for the glyphosate (Roundup), the nut behind the wheel should be able to...
  12. R

    Best way to repair SSQA crossbar

    Re: SSQA BEST WAY TO REPAIR THIS crossbar Hard to say without really eyeballing it. Replacing the whole tube would certainly be a good solution. Depending on the condition of the damaged tube, another option might be filling the tube with a solid shaft. Drill the tube inboard of the attach...
  13. R

    What is the purpose of this on my tiller?

    Those are gauge wheels for depth control. Set your depth with the wheels then give your three point 'full down'. Allows the tiller to float over highs and lows while tilling at a consistent depth.
  14. R

    B8200 HST Diesel Exhaust replacement

    A rosy red stud will expand, or try to. It WILL NOT loosen it up, at least not while it is still hot.
  15. R

    Rear 3pt Blade to Front 3pt Blade

    Every idea has to start somewhere, for sure! Just proceed with caution/common sense and be ready to modify the design.
  16. R

    hydraulic filter leaking

    If an adaptor of the right diameter can be found, it would be a simple job for a machine shop to mill it to the needed thickness. only one side needs to have an o-ring. Still, I would get the threads cleaned up and just try a filter as my first move.
  17. R

    Rear 3pt Blade to Front 3pt Blade

    Hate to add to the negativity but.... One more drawback is that you will have almost zero steering capability under load. Too much leverage along with the lack of steering brakes.
  18. R

    hydraulic filter leaking

    A good tool store, or a hardware store with a decent tool department will match the die to your filter. Either by measuring with a caliper and thread-pitch gauge or trying actual bolts in the filter. Hopefully, they will measure and then confirm with a bolt or hydraulic fitting. You may also get...
  19. R

    hydraulic filter leaking

    Right, you are. I had a little bit of 'tap' on the brain while typing about dies! However, if you do need to grind on the die, grind on the back side. As RWey said, most likely will not be needed. I apologize for adding confusion to the thread. :p
  20. R

    hydraulic filter leaking

    As best as I can tell from the pictures, it appears that the nipple is actually part of the casting and not a separate, removable piece. Clean up the threads with a die and hope for a happy outcome. Take a filter to the tool store, that will get you to the proper size and thread pitch for the...